Results 41 to 45 of 45
02-18-2007, 07:54 AM #41
Very nice, though it would be kinda cool if your depth of field was smaller so that the two back cups of razors were out of focus more, put more emphasis on the equipment that your using. Just a thought. I like the way you set everything up to display it all.
Again, very nice.
02-18-2007, 08:51 AM #42
02-18-2007, 01:51 PM #43
Outram strop
7/8 TI sheffield
Homemade brush with blankity blanks brushhead (super silvertip)
Oivia's Rolling stone shave cream
Sanex aftershave balm
King of shaves moisterizer
Trumper Sandalwood cologne
Very very nice. Tried to do it in two passes this time whileI usually do it with 4. Still very very close shave. I found my perfect quick shave system. And I can shave multiple days in a row. So all in all I'm really happy. It's awesome. My straight shave is now good enough that I feel I'm ctually quite good at it. Today I was even thinking of offering my dad a shave.....but I don't think he'd do it.
02-18-2007, 05:06 PM #44
02-20-2007, 02:55 PM #45
Hot shower
7/8 W&B Wedge
Mama Bear toasted coconut shaving cream
silvertip badger brush
C&E Nomad after shave balm.
Not a great shave today. Have to work on blade.