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  1. #41
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Wednesday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: EJ Best Badger
    Soap: TSD Mojito
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop
    Razor: Thiers-Issard: "Pierre Thiers" #41
    AS: Geo. F. Trumper - Lime skin food

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  2. #42
    is Over 9000!!!!
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    Razor: Takahashi Norikazu ( Kazumi ) vs Iwasaki VS Livi
    Brush: Omega 40033
    Cream: Tabac
    ASB: COB Red Elixir
    Cologne: COB Red Elixir

  3. #43
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    Default Wednesday

    Prep: warm water and proraso pre/post cream
    Soap: Wilkinson black puck
    Brush: unknown 1930s badger
    Scuttle: stacked mugs
    Razor: W&B spike point hollow ground in clear yellow plastics scales
    Post: cold water splash, proraso pre/post cream and Tonino Lamborghini forza blue

    Smooth but I need to touch up that blade on the coticule before the next shave.

  4. #44
    Senior Member STRAIGHTRAZOR13's Avatar
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    Cool Sotd 11-25-09 a.m. shave

    Stropps: Illinois 827, Dovo 3" finish leather, 35 passes linen, 50 passes leather, 35 passes finish leather. Pre-shave: Hot shower. Pre-shave oil: Glycerin. Hot towel. Brush: C-M Super Silver Tip. Soap: MWF. Lather, Hot towel, re-lather. Razor: Dovo Bergischer Lowe 5/8 spanish point black buffalo horn scales. WTG Pass, XTG pass, ATG pass. Cold water rinse. A/S gel/ balm: TOBS- Shaving Shop. EDC: TOBS- Shaving Shop. Awesome shave, not often I do a morning shave. It's very nice to have a cup of coffee with my straight shave. BBS shave.
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  5. #45
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Hot Shower: Mama Bear's Dublin Tweed Bath Soap
    Razor: Generic #11 6/8 Round Point
    Shave Cream: TOBS Rose
    Strop: SRD 3" Latigo
    Aftershave: TOBS Mr. Taylor
    BBS: Priceless

  6. #46
    Member ZethLent's Avatar
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    I tested two razors on my new Oohira Renge Suita. Both razors had the same edge to begin with and received the same number of strokes on the hone.

    Razor#1: Le Canadien 6/8 Full Hollow
    Razor#2: Robert Williams 7/8 Custom 1/4 Hollow

    Soap: QED Bay Rum

    Brush: Kimson Custom

    AS: Lucido

    The first impression of the hone is very nice. Both edges were smoother than cro oxide. Both edges had no 'harshness' to them either.


  7. #47
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Wednesday Morning !!!

    Thanksgiving Eve:
    I always looked forward to this Wed. when I was running the Nightclubs, this is a huge party night....In fact number wise only eclipsed by New Years and St Patties day....
    Wasn't always the $$$money$$$ to be made though that was nice, some of it was that I knew I would see so many old faces coming in for a obligatory shot of Wild Turkey, they would be in town for the Thanksgiving Feast with family...That's what I always enjoyed most..

    The shave = Simple is what simple does

    Honey Bee Spas Old Spice
    Restored Old Spice 24mm Silvertip
    SRD Premium #1
    Kamisori #306 Paladin
    Classic Old Spice
    Name:  002.jpg
Views: 2255
Size:  48.5 KB 
    Have a Great Day!!!!

  8. #48
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Location: 36° 10' 25.3416" - 115° 20' 33.198"
    Razor: Filarmonica 13 DT
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 28/55
    Soap: Dr Harris - Arlington
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    ASB: Nivea sensitive
    Cologne: Alt Innsbruck
    Result: BBS


    ************************************************** ********

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  9. #49
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Location, 52° 45' 55.10460 - 0° 57' 31.22065
    Date/Timeline, Weds 25th Nov' 21.00hrs

    Beard Prep: Hot Shower/Glycerine
    Razor: Joseph Rodgers + Sons 6/8 Wedge, Horn Scales, Restored by Myself
    Strop: Dovo 20 Canvas, 40 leather
    Brush: Kent Pure Badger
    Soap: Tabac, few drops Glycerine
    Astringent: Alum Block
    AS: Tabac
    ASB: Nivea Cool Kick
    Deodorant: Tabac
    Result: BBS! Of Course
    Conclusion: Pushed the envelope a bit tonight, 3 Days growth and worked extra on the Jawline and Fools Pass, I have about 10 razors in my rotation, and NONE Shave like this one, Makes me think of offloading about half on the Bay? If only they weren't Soo Beautiful (RAD Me! Never!

    Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll
    Last edited by tat2Ralfy; 11-25-2009 at 10:21 PM. Reason: Thanks giving of course!

  10. #50
    Straight Razor Enthusiast MisterA's Avatar
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    Beard Prep: Lucky Tiger - Exfoliate Scrub / Proraso pre-shave cream
    Razor: Shumate Tungsten
    Strop: TI travel paddle
    Brush: Bond of Oxford St. - Super Badger
    Soap: Colonel Conk - Lime
    AS: Proraso post-shave cream + Lucky Tiger Mustache Wax
    ASB: Lucky Tiger After Shave & Face Tonic

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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