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  1. #101
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    Default Friday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' custom: Chess King
    Soap: Mama Bear Aged Spice
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop
    Razor: Filarmonica 14 Doble Temple
    ASB: Mama Bear winter Aged Spice

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  2. #102
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Gem Micromatic OC
    Gem blade(carbon)
    Williams Mug Soap
    Vulfix 2006 Badger
    English Leather After Shave

  3. #103
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    6/8 Dublduck Satinedge
    Edwin Jagger Medium Super
    Proraso SS
    Spanish Floïd AS

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  4. #104
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Good morning guys,

    Paladin 3"
    Puma #222
    Rooney 3/1
    Speick Cream
    Alum block
    Thayers WH
    Nivea ASB
    Spanish Floid AS

    BBS again. I love the Puma. It'll be with me for a loooooong time.

  5. #105
    rum is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterA View Post
    It was -33C here yesterday.. (Norway) That's -27F.. They are expecting
    -40C/-40F this weekend! You guys are spoiled weather-wise He,he..

    EDIT: They measured -41C today actually in Roros, Norway

    Next week I'll be enjoying 35C / 95F though. Aaaahhhh..... I can't wait!
    Yikes! And I thought we were having a hard time here in the UK... up north it was -22C last night and said to be about that at night over the weekend!

    We're not used to these freak weather conditions here. Usually it just rains forever.

  6. #106
    rum is offline
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    Default Friday early morning shave

    GB Kent T4
    Sir Irisch Moos shave soap (only now beginning to appreciate this soap!)
    Le Grelot 6/8
    Roger & Gallet L'Homme after shave balm
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  7. #107
    LOLWUT? Allen's Avatar
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    QED 24mm
    5/8 Sheffield wedge
    Harris Arlington + Proraso
    Thayer's Lemon
    Aqua Velva Musk w/ lime EO added
    Kiehl's Musk

  8. #108
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Friday Evening

    Location, 52° 45' 55.10460 - 0° 57' 31.22065
    Beard Prep: Hot Bath, Prorasso preshave, HWR, Lather, Shave.
    Razor: My Beloved Globusmen #39 6/8 Hollow ground in all Her Pink Corseted Glory!!
    Strop: Dovo 40 canvas/40 Leather.
    Brush: Men-U Boar.
    Soap: Ingram Cream, Only the 2nd time with this cream for me and I have to say "I like it, I like it A LOT!"
    Astringent: Thayers Green.
    ASB: Lea After Shave Balm Sensitive.
    AS : Prorasso followed by Pashana American Bay Rum, My latest Aquisition and this I like!!
    EDT: YSL Lhomme
    Result: BBS!
    Conclusion: Well they don't come much better than this! The Prorasso preshave is very nice, My Globusmen is always always a real joy,
    The Men-U Boar gets better with every Shave and its only a $10 brush! Ingram Cream-What can I say? first time I found it a little harsh, not now, not at all its smooth and cooling with a wonderful glide, Thayers needs nothing said, and the Lea ASB-WOW its everything you think Nivea will deliver times 2! LOVELY STUFF!
    Prorasso Splash is just such a clean clean product, The Pashana only arrived today and I like it! My wife likes it! thats a full House! 10/10.
    All in all what a silky smooth menthol Shave and a beautifully warm soft scent in the Bay Rum. SHAVE ON!

  9. #109
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Friday, Jan 8 Shave

    Prep>>Hot Shower + Proraso Pre shave cream. I had a two day growth of stubble in preparation for this shave. I have thick facial hair specially underneath the jawbone and neck. After the first pass W. the grain, I nuked a towel for a minute and applied it to my face. Relathered for the second pass. I shaved A. the grain from neck to jawbone. Relathered again and shaved my cheeks X. the grain.
    Razor>>Newly arrived Friodur 8/8 INOX square point. Stropped 30/30 in red, a fantastic shaver! I love the wider blades.
    SC>>Boy, the English sure know how to make shaving cream. TOBS Sandalwood wipped in bulldog mug.
    Brush>>Vulfix 22mm badger hair
    Astringent>>My own which I concocted: dark rum, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, witch hazel and glycerin. Cured two weeks.
    AS>>Proraso Splash

    A very nice and relaxing shave. It was indeed worth the wait. SHAVE ON
    Background Music: ACDC..."Have a drink on me"
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  10. #110
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    Razor test: Tsugeru Kanetaka Size 1
    Brush test: Simpson Wee Scot
    Soap: Kell's Lavender
    AS: AII Osage Rub
    ASB: Wesley & Scott Lavender

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