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  1. #51
    Straight Razor Enthusiast MisterA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightbreed View Post
    Razor : 7/8 W. Greaves & Sons wedge
    That is a BEAUTIFUL razor..

    For en fantastisk vakker barberkniv.

  2. #52
    Senior Member Sailinblues's Avatar
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    Name:  P1000526.JPG
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    Commodore X3
    MWF SS
    T. Turner "Encore"~~
    SRD Herringbone Cotton / HA Signature--30 / 75
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    Anherb AS Conditioner
    Have a Great Night~~

  3. #53
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    Razor: Palmera 14
    ~Second shave with her, what a Beaut! Freshly honed by Max. She's wicked sharp!
    Brush: Spalted Maple Custom Handle Silver Tip
    Pre-Shave Oil: Art of Shaving- Unscented

    ~ I haven't quite got a feel for pre-shave oil yet. I don't feel it adds anything to my shave. I'm simply using it because I have samples of it. Perhaps I'm not using enough? Maybe too much? In all honesty it seems I don't get quite as close of a shave when I use it?
    Soap/Cream: SRD Sweet Patchouli, AOS- Unscented Shaving Cream
    ~I decided to delve into some of the 30 some odd soap and cream samples I have today and decided to give the SRD Sweet Patchouli a whirl. I wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first but as my shave progressed the aroma really opened up and developed into a very warming fragrance that was very enjoyable. I have a few AOS unscented shaving cream samples kicking around so I decided to add a squeeze to the soap and work up an uber-lather as I don't see myself using the unscented samples alone ever. Created a terrific lather for sure!
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    A/S Balm: AOS- Unscented
    A/S Lotion: Nivea For Men- Sensitive Skin
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    Last edited by TJoshX; 02-15-2010 at 11:48 PM.

  4. #54
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Hey Mr A

    Those last two posts were outstanding, it would be nice to see some of the views from Norway to see how they compare.

    BTW, thats never the front view and rear view of the same apartment is it?
    Nah surely not, how random would that be!!! hahahaha

  5. #55
    Senior Member ethermantis's Avatar
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    Default Proraso Aftershave - nice stuff!

    Hoping the picture comes through...

    Sountrack - PFM, Per Un Amico
    Strop - VB 2'' web/latigo 50/50 with a good palm warm up on the leather
    Prep - hot towel soak and Proraso Pre/Post
    Brush - Wilkenson Sword boar
    Cream - Proraso soap/Proraso cream/Glycerin
    Razor - Bengall
    AS - Proraso (just got it and I like it)
    ASB - Nivea Extreme
    Drink - Magic Hat #9

    Have a great night!
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  6. #56
    Senior Member BDom's Avatar
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    Razor: Schuzle 5/8 ivory
    Brush: Shavemac 177
    Lather: 50/50 Lea(Dr. R's recommendation) and C.O. Bigelow
    Aftershave: Blue Floid

    Well, SOTD brutas, I'm back from three days of backcountry snowshoeing and plenty of whiskers( pretty close to a beard) mow down this evening.

    @Mister A: Great shots!

    @Dr. R: Happy belated belated B-day!

  7. #57
    Senior Member ZMKA's Avatar
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    T&H Preshave Oil

    Filarmonica DT #13

    Shavemac 177 Silvertip

    C&E SAO Soap

    AOS Lavender ASB

    I had the day off today, so I wanted to set myself up for success with this shave. I always, ALWAYS get a great shave with this Filly. Its probably my best shaver. But, for some reason, I couldn't get a good lather. I have hard water here (in AZ) which may complicate that issue, but I can usually mix up a pretty nice lather anyway. Its been a while since I used SAO, but typically I have to spend a little more time and effort to get C&E to fluff out than I do with my other soaps. I also think that exacerbating the issue was that the water in my scuttle was too hot.

    Usually, I can rescue a bad lather with more soap or more water... but the shaving gods were against me today. I got a crappy lather with no cusion and no real resilience. And I may have run into some technique issues as well, but the end result was one of the least comfortable shaves I've had in a long time. By the end of my second pass, I had some areas that felt raw. I later confirmed that with an alum block. No blood, though.

    I still got really damn close, but half of a 'close, comfortable shave' is comfortable... and this shave wasn't. I'll try the SAO again sometime, but next time I'm not using a scuttle. Hopefully that was the issue.

    Last edited by ZMKA; 02-16-2010 at 05:10 AM.

  8. #58
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMKA View Post
    but the shaving gods were against me today. but the end result was one of the least comfortable shaves I've had in a long time.
    I know exactly what you mean. It's truly a mystery but if there's just one thing off in your shaving routine for some reason your shave will feel incomplete and sometimes really suc*ed big time. But when all the stars are aligned you get into nirvana zone.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  9. #59
    Senior Member ZMKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    I know exactly what you mean. It's truly a mystery but if there's just one thing off in your shaving routine for some reason your shave will feel incomplete and sometimes really suc*ed big time. But when all the stars are aligned you get into nirvana zone.
    Plus the high expectations meeting with less than spectacular results... well, it didn't ruin my day, but usually shaving is a highlight.

  10. #60
    Member medler's Avatar
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    SWK Scuttle
    Thäter 4125/1
    Progress 500 w/ Lord
    my new stuff
    C&E Sienna SS
    C&E Sienna ASB
    C&E Sienna EdT

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