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Thread: SOTD - Sun July 25th - Sat July 31st

  1. #121
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by alabamalawyer View Post
    Razor: Dubl Duck Special #1 with abalone scales
    Brush: Rooney 1/2 Finest
    Cream: Domenico Caraceni
    AS: D.R. Harris Pink
    Edt: Trumper GFT
    There you go...rub it in .

    That is some nice razor with nice scales Chris.

  2. #122
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Week of July 26 SOTD - Wednesday

    Pre-Shave: Stephan's Smooth Conditioning Shaving Creme
    Razor: 5/8" Full Hollow Respecto #77, Round Point
    Brush: 24mm Shavemac Silvertip
    Überlather: CarrieM Bay Rum creme + Mama Bear's Musculine Musk soap + squirt of glycerin
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    Post-Shave: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food, Trumper's Moisturizer
    ASB: Trufitt & Hill Trafalgar
    Result: This morning, I pulled out my go-to Respecto blade and my Shavemac brush. I had refreshed the edge on my Naniwa 12K over the weekend and it popped hair like pop corn kennel in a hot frying pan. The combination of CarrieM creme and Mama Bear soap gave me the überlather that have been so accustomed to, i.e., fabulous slip, moist, and thick cushion. One more very comfortable, smooth shave for the record.

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    Have a Fantastic Wednesday guys

  3. #123
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Default Waning Slightly

    CV Heljestrand MK No. 31
    Rudy Vey Custom
    Al Raz Agua de Florida Bomb
    Ogallala Bay Rum
    L'Occitane CADE Balm

    I've done worse but I could've done better.

  4. #124
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    Unhappy The "running-late-for-work" shave

    • Bic Sensitive
    • Proraso Shaving Foam
    • Alcolado Glacial
    • GFT Spanish Leather EdC

  5. #125
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Wednesday Shave -Day 3

    Decided to give the grelot a little TLC and put it on my hones.

    30 laps on a 6000 grit stone with light slurry and then another 25 with just water.
    Then put it on my coti with a heavy slurry and every 10 laps would add a finger of water diluting the slurry until just water. Washed the blade and stone and then another 20 passes. Strop and shave and great results!

    Also its day three and still irritation free, so far my experiment of shaving every day is working out.

    Two passes again with and against the grain, leaving a great smooth shave.

    Strop: 3" Latigo 60 canvas 130 leather
    RAzor: 6/8 Grelot
    Brush: Omega 05
    Soap: DR Harris Lavender
    Aftershave: Very Sexy For Him

    Cold water rinse stropped the blade 25/50 and put it away to dry.

    Today made me happy, successful honing session and great shave. This calls for some loud music while singing along and dancing in my undies!
    Shaving_story on Instagram

  6. #126
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    SOTD Wednesday July 28, 2010

    Razor: 5/8 Slack & Grinold Bath Works Sheffield 1/4 Hollow French Point
    Shaving Cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street St. James Collection
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Medium Badger
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave: Christian Dior DUNE Pour Homme ASL

    Another BBS shave this morning! It seems that every morning I have been getting exceptionally close and comfortable shaves. I think this is partly because I have been concentrating very closely on the tactile aspects of the shave during my observations I have been conducting. I think we tend to loose the passion that we first had when coming to wet shaving after a while and it becomes routine. This is unfortunate because, probably one of the reasons we became involved with wet shaving is to slow down and enjoy this daily manly ritual and enjoy all the aspects of it. My observations this past week has been to discover exactly what cushion and glide was, what does it feel like and which soaps and cream has it or not. I started with the basic soaps and some better soaps then went to the basic shave creams then to the more premium creams. This has been an enlightening experience. I felt a noticeable increase in what I had determined to be cushion when I progressed into the creams from the soaps. This morning I have advanced into the premium shaving creams with high expectations that they would provide a much higher performance in the cushion and glide factors. Although my expectations were very high, I was not disappointed. The TOBS St. James SC has shown me precisely what cushion and glide is and what it feels like. This cream is definitely worthy of the premium price that it demands. It is purely a treat to use and the cushion is unmistakeably the best I have experienced in all of these observations so far. Glide was exceptionally good as well. The TOBS lathered instantly with very fine bubbled dense lather that stayed moist throughout the entire three pass shave. The scent of the St. James Collection was very rich and pleasant. This is truly an exceptional SC that I would recommend having and using on one of those days when you need something special to re-inspire your passion of wet shaving.
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  7. #127
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    SOTD Wednesday July 28, 2010

    Razor: 5/8 Slack & Grinold Bath Works Sheffield 1/4 Hollow French Point
    Shaving Cream: Taylor of Old Bond Street St. James Collection
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Medium Badger
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave: Christian Dior DUNE Pour Homme ASL

    Another BBS shave this morning! It seems that every morning I have been getting exceptionally close and comfortable shaves. I think this is partly because I have been concentrating very closely on the tactile aspects of the shave during my observations I have been conducting. I think we tend to loose the passion that we first had when coming to wet shaving after a while and it becomes routine. This is unfortunate because, probably one of the reasons we became involved with wet shaving is to slow down and enjoy this daily manly ritual and enjoy all the aspects of it. My observations this past week has been to discover exactly what cushion and glide was, what does it feel like and which soaps and cream has it or not. I started with the basic soaps and some better soaps then went to the basic shave creams then to the more premium creams. This has been an enlightening experience. I felt a noticeable increase in what I had determined to be cushion when I progressed into the creams from the soaps. This morning I have advanced into the premium shaving creams with high expectations that they would provide a much higher performance in the cushion and glide factors. Although my expectations were very high, I was not disappointed. The TOBS St. James SC has shown me precisely what cushion and glide is and what it feels like. This cream is definitely worthy of the premium price that it demands. It is purely a treat to use and the cushion is unmistakeably the best I have experienced in all of these observations so far. Glide was exceptionally good as well. The TOBS lathered instantly with very fine bubbled dense lather that stayed moist throughout the entire three pass shave. The scent of the St. James Collection was very rich and pleasant. This is truly an exceptional SC that I would recommend having and using on one of those days when you need something special to re-inspire your passion of wet shaving.
    Bruce...Amen to that . I couldn't have said it better myself. For me, every aspect of the shave (especially the beard perp and lathering) puts me in the Zen zone. I love that "me"'s like being transported to a different time/place. That's why I take ~30-40 minutes to shave (3-4 passes...mostly 3). Most of that time, I found, goes towards prepping my beard.

  8. #128
    Always Learning. nubskillz's Avatar
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    Today's shave: Williams and Proraso soap mixed for uberlather, on my face straight out of the shower. The razor is my Imperial No.1 I picked up this weekend and to top it all off Proraso balm. 0 irritation, 0 nicks. Loving the Rolls more and more, I just cant wait to get my Shaptons so I can give it a few laps on the 16k to see if it makes the shave even more pleasurable.

    Excuse the terrible cellphone picture.
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  9. #129
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Bruce...Amen to that . I couldn't have said it better myself. For me, every aspect of the shave (especially the beard perp and lathering) puts me in the Zen zone. I love that "me"'s like being transported to a different time/place. That's why I take ~30-40 minutes to shave (3-4 passes...mostly 3). Most of that time, I found, goes towards prepping my beard.
    I agree Robert, the beard prep, (I do the hot towel for 3 minutes to soften the beard procedure) and all the ancillary aspects of shaving are all part of the pampering and relaxing experience that makes the shave so enjoyable. I was so into it this morning that I had applied the lather for a fourth pass (I usually do 2 lather passes and a water only pass) before I realized that I didn't have anything there to shave! LOL

  10. #130
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Wednesday 7/28/10

    Eskiltuna 4/8
    Semogue 830
    MWF ss
    Thayers Cucumber WH w/ aloe
    Anherb a/s conditioner
    Chevignon Edt

    A midafternoon shave with some Swedish steel...a fine shave with the MWF and only a tiny mishap under the nose...(I must concentrate!!!) :-)

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