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  1. #141
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Default Thursday morning

    Pre: Hot shower
    Razor: Törnblom "X"
    Brush: New Forest, extra stuffed prototype
    Soap: Nannys sandalwood
    AS: Ogallala Lime & Peppercorn
    Strop: Neil Miller
    Result: Very clean
    Love this pure sandalwood soap, clean and subtle scent. Blade felt a little bit raw, compared to my other blades and I think I know why now (expriment by Neil). Thank for all nice SOTD:s and have good one out there today!
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  2. #142
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    5/8 RED Imp 132 Razor with custom scales from Ambrose
    "Vintage style" strop from Ambrose
    24 mm Silvertip Brush
    Tabac SS
    Thayers' SuperWH
    Proraso Balm
    Nivea Moisturizer

    Pretty good shave my friends!

  3. #143
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    7/8 Henckels Friodur
    Kent B&B LE 2009
    RazoRock Alum
    Aqua Velva Calssic Ice Blue
    Creed Green Irish Tweed EdT

    Great pics gentlemen!!

  4. #144
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eTom View Post
    Good morning Gentleman

    Today there are some JNats...only as a decoration... in the picture.

    soap: Thiers Issard
    brush: Muehle
    razor: Buddel
    AS: Old Spice

    Have a nice day!

    BTW: Do you know some good shops for wet-shaving articles in FL (Miami, Orlando, Ft. Myers)? I found only Art of shaving in Miami.

    Beautiful setup! love those stones. Do you collect those as well? Or maybe by this point I should ask what is your list of colections? It seems that you have a wide variety of items in your pics that show the razor and another interesting item to accompany your topic item...It's a great way to display in pictures.

  5. #145
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Beautiful setup! love those stones. Do you collect those as well? Or maybe by this point I should ask what is your list of colections? It seems that you have a wide variety of items in your pics that show the razor and another interesting item to accompany your topic item...It's a great way to display in pictures.
    All items are still in using, Wintchase.
    And all this items are worth to accompany in a picture.
    You'd like a list of items I like?
    No, my friend. Take a look at my posts and stay tuned...

  6. #146
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of October 3 SOTD - Thursday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Razor: 6/8" J.R. Torrey, Spike Point
    Brush: 22mm Vulfix Super Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz' Custom Shave Creme + Mitchell's Wool Fat Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave: Floïd Italian Blue
    Result: It's back to reality for me...To be honest, as fun as shaving in Vegas was, there's something to be said about shaving in my own home...Last night, I decided to use the honing lessons learned from Max and use it to further the edge on the Torrey. This morning was the proof of my labor. It worked!! I spent a good 1 hour using Max' advice and it worked. The shave on this baby was fabulous. BBS all throughout my face...only a few days ago, I was only getting a "meh" shave and had to finish off with the DE. After Max got done with it, I got an awesome shave (yesterday)...and today, even better (only because of Max...not that I did anything special). Thank you maestro. As far as the lather, as much as I love CarrieM's cremes, I had missed using Al Raz' custom creme. This thing mixed with the MWF really gave a super lubricating lather. I love the mix of lanolin/tallow and of both worlds, if you ask me. I am now ready for what will surely be a super busy Thursday.

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    While visiting Max, I got something from him which will soon be featured in one of the next few SOTDs. Have a great and productive Thursday gentlemen .

  7. #147
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Thursday Morning...

    Prep: Hot shower--followed by Robeson (mentholated) bay rum beard prep…
    Simpsons T2 “Super Badger”
    Proraso + Ingram = Superlather
    VB Red Latigo--50 fabric; 60 leather
    5/8 Gotta 120 “Superfine”
    Thayer’s Original Witch Hazel
    Zirh “Soothe”
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    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  8. #148
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    Default Thursday Morning Shave

    PREP: Ho shower with face scrub
    RAZOR: Genco seneca chief
    BRUSH: Custom NIB
    UBERLATHER: Tabac soap /Tabac cream
    ASTRINGENT: Thayers unscented
    ASB: CarrieM's Unscented
    AS: Aqua Velva Musk
    EDT: Guerlain Vetiver
    RESULT: Silky Smooth

    The Razor: I always get great shaves with this genco and after i touched it up on the 12k followed by some diamond spray this thing is as smooth as eva.
    The Soap: Glen turned me on to this and he has never been more right. It seems to me Tabac is a either love it or hate thing, and I love it, and combining the soap with the cream and 3 drops of glycerine this is some of the slickest creamiest shave cream i have ever used. I dont think i even needed ASB but CarrieMs unscented never lets me down. Followed up with some Vetiver and Im ready for a well deserved day off from work.


    oh Robert, Glad u had fun in Vegas, and im looking forward to u showing me what Max taught u , Also I still need to Give u the C-mon Inlays
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  9. #149
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Razor: 6/8" J.R. Torrey, Spike Point
    Brush: 22mm Vulfix Super Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz' Custom Shave Creme + Mitchell's Wool Fat Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave: Floïd Italian Blue
    Result: It's back to reality for me...To be honest, as fun as shaving in Vegas was, there's something to be said about shaving in my own home...Last night, I decided to use the honing lessons learned from Max and use it to further the edge on the Torrey. This morning was the proof of my labor. It worked!! I spent a good 1 hour using Max' advice and it worked. The shave on this baby was fabulous. BBS all throughout my face...only a few days ago, I was only getting a "meh" shave and had to finish off with the DE. After Max got done with it, I got an awesome shave (yesterday)...and today, even better (only because of Max...not that I did anything special). Thank you maestro. As far as the lather, as much as I love CarrieM's cremes, I had missed using Al Raz' custom creme. This thing mixed with the MWF really gave a super lubricating lather. I love the mix of lanolin/tallow and of both worlds, if you ask me. I am now ready for what will surely be a super busy Thursday.
    Name:  _DSF4596.jpg
Views: 244
Size:  77.7 KB

    While visiting Max, I got something from him which will soon be featured in one of the next few SOTDs. Have a great and productive Thursday gentlemen .
    I love this Frameback, Robert. Send it to Germany! Now!

  10. #150
    Senior Member alabamalawyer's Avatar
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    Razor: Kai Excelia with Feather Professional Blade
    Brush: Simpson 57 Super (aka The Simpson Douglas)
    Soap: Trumper Eucris
    AS: Klar Seifen Klassik
    Cologne: Trumper Marlborough

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