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  1. #271
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    SOTD Friday October 29, 2010

    Razor: 5/8 Torrey, Full Hollow, Round Point
    Pre-Shave Prep: Hot Towel/Proraso Crema Pre Barba
    Shaving Cream: Proraso
    Lathe Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Medium Badger
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave/Cologne: Mennen Original Skin Bracer
    Results: Nice. The little Torrey needs to revisit the hones. It's just not there yet. This should give me an opportunity to use the new strop from Mac during this process.
    Fabulous, Excellente, Fabuloso

    Proraso galore and beautiful Torrey

  2. #272
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Fabulous, Excellente, Fabuloso

    Proraso galore and beautiful Torrey
    Thanks, It was a very cool shave this morning with all the Proraso. Just took the little Torrey back throught the hones and stropping sequence. Did the Thumb test and the HHT sliced a boar bristle very nicely so I'll give it a test shave on Sunday's SOTD.

  3. #273
    Senior Member Sailinblues's Avatar
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    Name:  SOTD1029.jpg
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    Rooney 3/1 Super
    MWF SS
    Thomas Turner "Encore"
    Tony Miller Artisan---Cotton / Latigo
    Witch Hazel
    Ahava ASB
    Have a Great Night!

  4. #274
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Default Friday Evening Shave

    Shavemac Finest | Fitjar Telemark Cream | Scheon Burg 777 | Gillette SS | Alum | Institut Karite ASB | Alt Innsbruck Cologne

    I have been looking forward to this shave for over a week waiting for this cream and this razor. I honed (or tried to hone) the Scheon Burg last night. This shave was good and bad:

    The Bad:I did not put a good edge on this razor. I am still quite new to honing and this razor was a challenge for me. Could not get the bevel set off of my 2k nani and probably should not have moved on, but I did. So, I am debating giving it another go on the hones tonight or sending it out to be honed professionally. Not sure yet what to do.

    The Good: This razor is beautiful and feels perfect in my hand. Even with my subpar edge, this thing still got pretty close on my first pass. I was surprised at that. The Fitjar Cream is amazing! Neverending thick lather. Not so slick but crazy cushion. This fragrance is so unique also. If it wasn't called Telemark, I would call it smokey campfire. I will definitely be ordering another Fitjar cream. They seem to have so many unique, masculine scents.
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  5. #275
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    Shavemac Finest | Fitjar Telemark Cream | Scheon Burg 777 | Gillette SS | Alum | Institut Karite ASB | Alt Innsbruck Cologne

    I have been looking forward to this shave for over a week waiting for this cream and this razor. I honed (or tried to hone) the Scheon Burg last night. This shave was good and bad:

    The Bad:I did not put a good edge on this razor. I am still quite new to honing and this razor was a challenge for me. Could not get the bevel set off of my 2k nani and probably should not have moved on, but I did. So, I am debating giving it another go on the hones tonight or sending it out to be honed professionally. Not sure yet what to do.

    The Good: This razor is beautiful and feels perfect in my hand. Even with my subpar edge, this thing still got pretty close on my first pass. I was surprised at that. The Fitjar Cream is amazing! Neverending thick lather. Not so slick but crazy cushion. This fragrance is so unique also. If it wasn't called Telemark, I would call it smokey campfire. I will definitely be ordering another Fitjar cream. They seem to have so many unique, masculine scents.
    That is one gorgeous blade . Congratulations on a fantastic purchase. If I were you, I would send it out for honing. Trust me, you don't want to end up ruining this beauty while practicing your honing skills. As you know, there are no shortages of pro honers on this forum. At the very least, you will end up with a great, even bevel and what you will need to do is maintain/refresh the edge once in awhile (which is easier to do than setting the bevel).
    Last edited by BladeRunner001; 10-30-2010 at 02:34 AM.

  6. #276
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    That is one gorgeous blade . Congratulations on a fantastic purchase. f I were you, I would send it out for honing. Trust me, you don't want to end up ruining this beauty while practicing your honing skills. As you know, there are no shortages of pro honers on this forum. At the very least, you will end up with a great, even bevel and what you will need to do is maintain/refresh the edge once in awhile (which is easier to do than setting the bevel).

    Thank you. I think that is very sound advice. I have other blades to practice on at this point. I could tell this one is going to be a great shaver and I want it perfect. No need to mess around with this blade.

  7. #277
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Great frame back Robert. I find that if a razor can do 1 days growth no problem. Then she is plenty sharp for 2 days. One day test is the true test for me. The proving ground!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Early Friday AM Shave

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Razor: 6/8" J.R. Torrey frameback
    Brush: 25mm Vestavia Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: CarrieM Sandalwood Shave Creme + Proraso Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Quercus
    Result: FAB-U-LOUS!!! Today, I hesitantly took my Torrey frameback out in fear that the edge may not be quite there yet, but I was pleasantly surprised. I was also in the mood to use my Proraso, AGAIN!!! what can I say: I was in the mood. I mixed it with some of CarrieM's Sandalwood creme to make some überslick lather. Great stuff!!! I really love the option of mix and matching different soaps/cremes. Anyway, the frameback performed magnificently...maybe it was my low expectation of it...I don;t know, but I really liked the shave this AM. As a side note, I think that this blade is perfect for 1 day growth...One of these days, I will try it using 2+ day old stubble and judge its performance accordingly.

    Attachment 51208

    TGIF and inspiring pictures gentlemen . Have a great end of week.

  8. #278
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    Thanks, It was a very cool shave this morning with all the Proraso. Just took the little Torrey back throught the hones and stropping sequence. Did the Thumb test and the HHT sliced a boar bristle very nicely so I'll give it a test shave on Sunday's SOTD.
    Excellent...looking forward to it and the experience

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlacknTan View Post
    Friday, 10.29.10

    Aura Glow
    Acqua di Parma Shave Soap/Cream
    New Forest #2201 2-band
    Akamatsu Manaslu M-55 square point & stiff grind
    SRD Premium I Strop ... 50 Linen/90 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Spanish Floïd Suave

    Just when I think my shave experience cannot get any better... It does!
    This Manaslu is the first razor I've had professionally honed, and it shows me two things... I'm not an equal to the Pros yet, and I need a natural stone!
    This was finished on an Escher, whereas I use the Naniwas. At first it would not pass an HHT, but after stropping... WOW!
    The performance of this blade was outstanding!
    I don't know whether the Acqua di Parma is a soft soap, or a hard cream. I've also heard it's quite expensive, but one only needs a small dab to make a huge mound of cushioning lather. This sample was a gift from member Scissors, and much appreciated!
    Everything was so nice, I finished off with the Floïd to complete an amazing shave!

    It was an amazing week of great photos... Thanks to all my bruthas...

    Attachment 51209
    Very nice SOTD, love the gear!


  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by thewatermark View Post
    PREP: Hot shwer with face scrub
    RAZOR: Genco "Easy Aces"
    BRUSH: PJ3
    SOAP: Uberlather with Tabac cream, and soap
    ASTRINGENT: Thayers Superhazel
    ASB: CarrieM's Unscented
    AS: NONE
    EDC: Tabac

    Well i set this shot up yesterday when i got off work, and it seems that Glenn and I have great taste . This was a Great shave this morning, I love Genco and the Easy Aces is one of there masterpieces. This razor is so smooth and sharp I have yet to have a bad shave with it. This great of a razor deserves a great uberlather to go with it, and Tabac as everyone probably already knows by now is amazing stuff. Creamy slick lather with no irritation afterward , and with some Tabac EDC I am a happy camper.

    Great minds think alike

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