Results 311 to 320 of 321
10-30-2010, 08:37 PM #311
Shavemac Forum Brush
L'Occitane Cade SS
Robeson ShurEdge
SRD Herringbone Cotton / English Bridle
Witch Hazel
Zirh EDT
Have a Great Night!
10-30-2010, 09:50 PM #312
SOTD Oct 30 from Portugal with Love.
I received a couple of packages yesterday from Vintagescent, and today I had the opportunity to try all three new products. I'd like to write my first impressions about them in the thread.
Prep: Hot shower + Proraso preshave cream
Razor: Wacker Jungmeister 7/8 INOX spanish pnt.
Brush: (New arrival) Semogue model 830 Hogs hair brush. I was floored when I first used this brush, it is indeed a couple of notches above the Omegas. From the solid acrylic handle which is very classy to the nice bristle loft. I soacked the brush for five minutes, the bristles were soft; yet not loosing any of the backbone charateristic of the boar bristle.
Shaving Cream (New Arrival) Lea Professional shaving tube. This is one big tube of SC. I loved the fresh shower scent. Main ingredients are: Glycerin and coconut. It reminds me of LaToja but without the mineral salts.
Thayers Lemon
AS: Spanish Floid: (New Arrival) Loved the scent of this Floid. Main difference as compared with the Italian is that the Italian version is more refined, more silky; but more important it is HOG approved (the Mrs.)
Results: The Jungmeister delivered a terrific shave, I honed it not too long ago...three passes and I achieved BBS. Today I am indeed a happy HOG.
10-30-2010, 10:35 PM #313
Tonight's shave before the festivities.
Hot towel
Warm Oil
AOS Shave Cream
Badger Brush
Hannah made Ceramic Bowl
Boker English Steel
4000/8000 Norton, Lynn instructions on pyramid.
50 Laps felt, 100 laps leather,
AOS Aluminum
Gentleman's Best After Shave
After trying the Boker for the first time the other night I wanted to see if I could get the blade a bit sharper. I went to the Wiki, wrote down what Lynn used as a progression and figured what the heck.
I was very careful, went very slow and worked through the progression. I cheated a bit because I found that if i placed one finger on the spine in the middle of the blade and also hold the scales, I was able to move the razor in a much smoother fashion. No pressure, just enough to keep the blade moving even and smoothly.
I think it worked ok. The razor did not pull anymore and took off about 2.5 days worth of growth smoothly. I also did not shower this evening before the shave so I know my beard was much tougher than normal.
I am very pleased with the shave this evening. Have a great night!!“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Albert Einstein
10-30-2010, 11:45 PM #314
10-30-2010, 11:58 PM #315
Inspired by Ralfy. I chose to use my Palmera. Ahhhh!
I love this razor. Good heft. Size. I do lean twords larger blades. BBS so effortlessly. Boy i hope i have enough growth to shave tomorrow.
This brush i picked up at an antique store this week. 28mm knot. Decided to try it. Looks new. Im not sure what hair is used but it smelled. I think horse.Felt like i was lathering up with a paint brush. Oh well. The Palmera More than made up for it.
Rubberset Brush
SRD strop 30/60
Ogallala Bay Rum
Thayers witch hazel
skin food
Burts bees Balm
Ogallala AS
10-31-2010, 01:03 AM #316
10-31-2010, 01:10 AM #317
10-31-2010, 02:48 AM #318
Some Halloween fun
For you Simpson's fans...enjoy
10-31-2010, 04:19 AM #319Prep: Hot Shower
Strop: SRD Premium IV English Bridle
Scuttle: SRD
Brush: TGN custom Silvertip
Cream: Al's Calypso
Razor: Wostenholm (a different one from earlier this week) Pipe
After Shave: Masters Bayrum
EDT: Burberry "Weekend"
Result: The razor did ok on my cheeks, but on the neck and chin it pulled like crazy. I will take it to the hones tonight and see how she does tomorrow morning.
Great SOTD's this week gentlemen, Thanks!
10-31-2010, 04:33 AM #320