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  1. #171
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of October 24 SOTD - Wednesday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Pre-Shave Oil: Truefitt & Hill
    Razor: 6/8" Thiers-Issard "The Eagle", Hollow, Spanish Point
    Brush: 25mm Vestavia Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz' Palermo Shave Creme + Proraso Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Dr. Hauschka Quince Creme
    AS Splash: Floïd Spanish Blue
    Result: Thanks to all those (you know who you are) who flaunted their Thiers-Issards in yesterday's SOTD, I had this urge to shave with one of mine today; The Eagle. Great shavers, these blades. Combined with a mixture of a little of Al Raz' Palermo/Proraso/Glycerin, you get a perfect recipe for a blissful and heavenly shave. I finished the job with a little splash of Floïd Spanish AS followed by Dr. Hauschka's Quince creme and in return, I was rewarded to a wonderfully moisturized and clean face.

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    Beautiful SOTDs today gentlemen . Have a fantabulous Wednesday.

  2. #172
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    6/8 Wacker
    Shavemac 177
    RazoRock Alum
    Lustray Menthol

    Great pics gentlemen!!

  3. #173
    Senior Member Teiste's Avatar
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    Taylors of Old Bond Street lavander SS/Merkur Progress with Astra/Li Jun & 1980 finest badger brush/Weleda After Shave Balm

  4. #174
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Today is really Proraso day

  5. #175
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Wacker 13/16 "Antik" | Kanayama | Semogue 830 | Tabac SS | Thayers Lavender | AOS Sandalwood ASB | Amouage Memoir Man

    Another day, another great shave. I face lathered today with the Semogue and Tabac. This brush whips up a storm of soap lather when used this way. I couldn't believe how creamy and thick the lather became almost instantly. I'm still not entirely sold on the scent of the Tabac. It's not offensive, in fact, it's quite clean, but I think I prefer a bit more depth to my shave scents. Once the lather was applied, the Wacker did what it does best - it's not so much whacking the hairs as it is sweeping them gently off my face. I was left with smooth, comfortable skin. The AOS ASB is a another product I've always had a hard time warming up to, but I decided I'd give it another try and actually felt like it was very nice.

    The piece-de-resistance for today, though, is the new Amouage EdT. It opens with a stunning absinthe with hints of rosemary and mint then the cedar quickly makes it's appearance. I can't wait to see how it drys down and develops!

    Keep the great SOTDs coming, gentlemen and enjoy your days!
    Bill, Sounds like the Amouage Memoir EDT is one I should put on my wish list. Great pic BTW!

  6. #176
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    Wednesday, 10.27.10

    Aura Glow Oil
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Semogue SOC BigBoar
    Pumacker Black Diamond square point
    Tony Miller Artisan Strop ... 40 Linen/70 Latigo
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Mennen Skin Bracer

    Pictured is my long departed Gordon, Robbie... I pounded alot of shoe leather with this dog. Not the best field dog ever, but certainly competent...He lives on in my heart!

    RIP, Rob...

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  7. #177
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    SOTD Wednesday October 27, 2010

    Razor: 6/8 Bengall, Full Hollow, Spike Point
    Pre-Shave: Hot Towel/Proraso Crema Pre Barba
    Shaving Cream: TOBS Almond
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Semogue Boar 1460
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave/Cologne: Adidas Dynamic Pulse
    Results: Outstanding! I love the feel of a Bengall sliding over a coating of TOBS in the morning!

    Super smooth shave this morning from the Bengall that was prepped on the beautiful new HandAmerican, compressed wool/Split leather strop I received from McWolf yesterday. Thanks Mac for the wonderful strop! I wanted to try it out so I did the pre-shave stropping on the split leather side and flipped it onto the felt side for about 5 to 10 strokes. Then I finished it off on the SRD IV Bridle Leather for the usual 20 pre-shave strokes. I don't know if it was my excitement or what but, the Bengall was amazingly sharp and smooth this morning. My skin is slick as Frog Snot! Wow! Topped the whole wonderful experience off with some Adidas Dynamic Pulse which I am growing VERY fond of and this mornings shave can't be beat!
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  8. #178
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    SOTD Wednesday October 27, 2010

    Razor: 6/8 Bengall, Full Hollow, Spike Point
    Pre-Shave: Hot Towel/Proraso Crema Pre Barba
    Shaving Cream: TOBS Almond
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Semogue Boar 1460
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave/Cologne: Adidas Dynamic Pulse
    Results: Outstanding! I love the feel of a Bengall sliding over a coating of TOBS in the morning!

    Super smooth shave this morning from the Bengall that was prepped on the beautiful new HandAmerican, compressed wool/Split leather strop I received from McWolf yesterday. Thanks Mac for the wonderful strop! I wanted to try it out so I did the pre-shave stropping on the split leather side and flipped it onto the felt side for about 5 to 10 strokes. Then I finished it off on the SRD IV Bridle Leather for the usual 20 pre-shave strokes. I don't know if it was my excitement or what but, the Bengall was amazingly sharp and smooth this morning. My skin is slick as Frog Snot! Wow! Topped the whole wonderful experience off with some Adidas Dynamic Pulse which I am growing VERY fond of and this mornings shave can't be beat!
    I believe this is what all of us strive for!!! Great Quote!

  9. #179
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    I believe this is what all of us strive for!!! Great Quote!
    Yep! Thanks some pretty slick stuff! LOL

  10. #180
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    Bill, Sounds like the Amouage Memoir EDT is one I should put on my wish list. Great pic BTW!
    Thanks! I tried something a bit different and shot this picture in pitch black to see how the kit would stand out...

    Memoir is very nice juice, IMHO. This is my first full wearing and I'm still getting nice whifs of cedar and sandalwood in the drydown. It's a scent that seems to "swirl" with various elements. Sadly, it's also a very pricey pick, but maybe one that would be worth a split... (not that I'm advertising or advocating such a course of action here)

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