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Thread: Sun May 08th - Sat May 14th

  1. #71
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Another travel-brush test
    soap: Calani
    brush: Muehle (new synthetic fibres)
    razor: Wostenholm
    AS: Old Spice

    Have a nice day.

  2. #72
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Tuesday

    Good morning friends!

    PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
    BRUSH: New Forest Tubby2
    SOAP/CREAM: Mama Bear's Caribbean Glycerin Shave Soap
    SCUTTLE: Georgetown Pottery Scuttle
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #30000
    RAZOR: Carl Friedrich ERN "ATOR" (Restored and re-scaled by Maximilian)
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG / XTG
    AS: Alt-Innsbruck
    RESULT: ...excellent

    Have a great shave everyone!
    Life is like a cup of tea... it's all in how you make it...

  3. #73
    Senior Member NavalArchitect's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday

    Good morning folks.

    Speedway : Wilkinson : Semogue : Bottega Verde : Floid : Hermes

    - Razor used is the second from left, with the long thin handle. Got it from a TSR fellow member last week, along with the yellow gold New and a couple of other OCs. Better get a rack or keep the razors in the box I have and select one every 3 shaves or so, I reckon. If I leave them over here they'll be getting humidity and nothing more.
    - Was careful during shaving, did not shave y'day, cleansed face and applied moisturizer last night, used my 'ultra-safe' Bottega soap today and still got irritation. I really do not understand this.
    - The Floid balsamo may give me skin reaction, will have to test again. The Vigoroso after shave is for sure stronger than the Suave, which I think I prefer.

  4. #74
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Mama Bear's Ye Olde Barbershoppe
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: E. A. Berg - Berg's Special / Shark
    ASB: Caswell-Massey No. Six
    soundtrack: Tom Petty - Zombie Zoo

    Great shave.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  5. #75
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday morning

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: Thäter 25mm Silvertip
    Razor: Tim Zovada Custom, 5/8 Damascus steel. Head Razor this week is the Feather all-stainless with Gillette 7 O'clock yellow packs.
    Honing Regimen: Shoubudani light Asagi, full Nagura, finished on water.
    Strop: C-mon Vel-Edge, Cordovan Shell
    Soap/Cream: Straightrazordesigns Bulgarian Rose
    Astringent: Thayer's Medicated SuperHazel
    After shave Balm: Truefitt&Hill Classic ASB
    EdT: Paco Rabanne, 1 Million
    Results: A very fine shave. I will give this razor a couple more Tomo-Nagura runs on the Shoubudani. For a first attempt it was more than acceptable!


    Name:  SOTD-10-5-11-1.jpg
Views: 221
Size:  66.7 KB

    Enjoy your day Friends!!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #76
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LinacMan View Post
    Love the brush Mikael! Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?

    Thank you, it´s a great brush. It was made by a guy who doesn´t dothis for a living, he just likes to do things (brushes and pencils) like this to relax. He´s from England and he has good relations with Simpsons, even though he´s not in the trade.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Hey Mikael, your timing is fabulous, I saw that soap for sale last night and was wondering what it was like. So how's it treating you?
    It´s great, really. Very silky and protective/good for the skin, I think. It doesn´t get extremly cushion/volume, like for example Al´s creams, but I still think it´s worth it. PM me and I´ll see if I can get you a discount (they´ve got one for a short period of time right now).

  7. #77
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Henk 21 mm silvertip
    Razor: Calfa, made in Japan
    Cream: Fitjar Neroli
    AS: Prada
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Very clean
    Love the scent of this cream, some vetier I think and I liked that, even though I haven´t before. The only thing was that I made it to thin, watery almost I thought I had it under controll, but it seemed to turn very fast (most likely mine fault, somehow ).

  8. #78
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower and Baby Oil Gel
    Razor: 5/8" Frederick Reynolds (Mini-Humpback)
    Brush: Semogue 1305
    Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    AS: Dickinsons Witch Hazel
    Finish: Manantiales de La Toja
    Result: Great three pass shave! Ever have one of those days when you'd rather take a kick to the man tackle than go to work? Yeah, that!
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 05-10-2011 at 10:57 AM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  9. #79
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Prep:Hot Shower
    Brush: TGN 20mm in Emerald Swirl
    Strop:SRD Paddle
    Soap: SRD Opus X
    Razor: Dovo “Best Quality”
    After shave: Nivia for men & Pinaud Clubman
    EDT:Drakar Noir

    Result: This Dovo is my most finicky razor. The blade has a slight warp to it on one side and this makes honing it a bit awkward. The steel is also incredibly hard so it takes more laps on the stones as well. I did 3 passes today and am left with irritation on the neck and not as smooth as I would like. I must say I still enjoyed the shave and I am certainly presentable.

    Have a great Tuesday gentlemen!


  10. #80
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Brush: Simpsons Chubby 2 (2-Band)
    Maxterpiece: Dovo 55
    Strop: Kanayama
    Soap/Cream: Cade Uberlather
    After shave Balm: Cade w/ Vintage Habit Rouge
    EdT: Lorenzo Villoresi Vetiver
    Results: Ooo La La! The Dovo 55 was a razor I'd heard hyped quite a bit, and she lived up to her name. Max put beautiful scales and a wonderful edge on her! The Chubby whips up a glorious lather, and the blade just slid right through it! I'm having a great week and the shaves everyone is posting are INCREDIBLE! Thank you, gentlemen!

    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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