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Thread: Sun July 10th - Sat July 17th

  1. #41
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Nic Kukri Nic. I bet she shaves as good as she looks. The PB creme sounds interesting too. What does it smell like?
    Thanks Robert she does shave well but I could do with doing a bit more work on the toe as its not quite as good as the heal is. Professor Blighty (aka Martin) is a British artisan soap, aftershave and cologne maker who mostly sells on Ebay. The fragrance of this particular line is Japanese Magnolia Blossom, Wild Orchids, Gardenia, Jasmine & Blackberries. I got it from him in a trade for a Ever Ready 1914 SE on another forum before it was on general sale. My only criticism is that it needs a significantly drier brush than any other cream or soap I have so if I forget that at the start I end up with a sloppy lather or have to use loads of product.
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  2. #42
    Senior Member kelebekcc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: 26mm Rudy Vey w/ TGN Grade A Silvertip Badger
    Maxtom: 15/16" Max Sprecher, 1/4 Hollow Ground, French Point (w/ Makume Gane scales)
    Strop: 40/50 laps (Neil Miller linen / SRD Premium IV leather)
    Überlather: Cyril Salter "Indian Sandalwood" Shave creme + QED "Sandalwood" Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave Splash: Floïd Italian Blue AS
    Skinfood: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    Cologne: Penhaligon "Racquets" EdT
    Very sharp photo and great shave Robert

    Quote Originally Posted by easyace View Post
    Strop: SRD 40 poly Web, 70 ish on leather
    Brush: Omega Boar (from local corner shop)
    Shave Cream: Denim, (from same shop, but label says made in Italy)
    Razor: Dovo Flowing (SRD, superbly honed)
    AS: Denim (same shop again, made in Italy, again)

  3. #43
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Congrats to the US-girls.
    They won against Brasil

  4. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Todays's shave was nothing short of PHENOMENAL. Even though I hadn't shaved since Friday, my beard looks like the Amazon jungle...I didn't realize that it was that bad until my own mother reprimanded me for looking like a terrorist (even my wife sided with her...who am I to argue with the bosses?). But she doesn't understand the Heavenly virtues associated with waiting for such a shave. And Rene: You are right, Tom's DE ain't gonna hack it...This is a job for a serious weed whacker and the only one capable of wiping this messy wiry disaster clean is the Maxtom. What's more, I felt like the only way to properly prep this beard would be under the influence of Indian Sandalwood ;To accomplish this, I reached for the Cyril Salter/QED combination...The scent was so intoxicating that if I were to be caught driving with this stuff in my possession, I would be arrested on the spot and charged with DUI . I literally spent a good 10 minutes between making the lather and prepping the beard. By the time I was done, the wiry growth was considerably softer and ready for whacking so to speak. The Maxtom made this job look like a walk in the park...easy as pie (or is it cake?). BBS, super smooth and irritation free in 3 passes.
    Have a PHENOMENAL Sunday Gentlemen.[/QUOTE]

    Congrats Robert! You might want to check the edge on you Maxtom. It prob looks like a hack saw blade after that shave! LOL!

  5. #45
    Member Coloradoveto's Avatar
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    My first SOTD post. Very exciting!

    Preshave- Hot shower. AOS preshave oil
    Soap- Proraso
    Brush- AOS Best Badger
    Razor- Brand spanking new Boker SS with Olivewood scales, ordered, sharpended and honed by Lynn at SRD
    Aftershave- Pinaud Stypic, alum block, Burberry Post Shave balm, Aramis Devin Cologne

    Did ok with the straight today. Managed WTG on both cheeks and under the chin. Finished down the neck and near my goatee with my Merkur Long handled DE with Lord DE blade.


    Happy Sunday everyone. Glad to post for the first time in this thread!
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  6. #46
    Senior Member Teiste's Avatar
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    La Toja jabon/Simpson Wee Scot brush/Muhle R89 with Treet Classic/Every Man Jack Gel

  7. #47
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=nicknbleeding;814384] WOW Grant that is amazing work!

    1+! I love to save and restore things , esp ones with meaning. Nice work!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  8. #48
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    I have not clicked the "like" link, ... I have to click every post, glad to be with you again, sorry, I am in holidays, with my daughter, enjoying a week near the beach and some close friends. Great shaves BTW, and Robert I would want to see the "before&after" picture of your beard

  9. #49
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    I have not clicked the "like" link, ... I have to click every post, glad to be with you again, sorry, I am in holidays, with my daughter, enjoying a week near the beach and some close friends. Great shaves BTW, and Robert I would want to see the "before&after" picture of your beard
    LOL! Same here but i really want to see what he did to the edge of the blade.
    sharp and BladeRunner001 like this.

  10. #50
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Late, but GREAT Sunday Shave

    Firstly, I would like to complement each and every post today! I am always amazed at the dedication and talent the men on this forum possess. The inventiveness and props sometimes used are truly candy for the soul. Thanks!

    Late shave today, but no disappointments! Some of you might have seen this old razor on restorations and I have given it a chance to perform this afternoon. Easiest hone job ever on an old Sheffie and left the 1000 in the water! Slightly audible and cut smooth and sure along the entire length of the blade. I now know what it would be like to have one brand new back in the day! I even had the Wifey do an ATG rub up my neck to approve! Sweet! Thanks and everyone have a Safe and Healthy week to come. Tom
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    jss, kelebekcc, baldy and 21 others like this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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