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Thread: Sun September 18th - Sat September 24th

  1. #241
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default TGIF

    Prep: Fast shower
    Brush: Edwin Jagger best badger
    Soap: Trumper's Officers & Gentlemens Shaving Soap
    DE-Razor: Gillette Aristocrat / Feather blade
    ASB: Trumper Lime

    ... and I'm clean shaven today too.
    Have a good weekend.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  2. #242
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Chris craft, two band
    Razor: C V Heljestrand no 9½
    Super lather: Irish Moos + Henks Dutch Moss
    AS/edt: Pacco Rabanne, Ultraviolet
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Uberclean

    ... and todays:

  3. #243
    Member barrieduncan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Great job gents
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    I am so sorry to hear about this horrid shave, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly which may be the culprit. Anything from razor to cream or brush could have resulted in it. At least you know it's not the post shave since irritation happened before that stage. Now, first thing that I would do is lay off of putting anything on the face for a day or so (except maybe Thayers toner or equivalent). When the skin is irritated, it will remain so to almost anything. best thing is really a gentle cold water rinse and almost no toweling or very gentle drying.

    You may want to test the cream first...just cream on the face alone. Rub a little of it on the face (after irritation subsides) with your fingers and see if skin reacts or not. This will be easy as your skin seems to be VERY reactive (and fast) to whatever it was that caused the irritation in the first place.

    If not the cream, my next test would be the brush...rub it (alone) on part of your face and see what happens. Did you clean the brush when you got it?

    If none of the two above, then it must be the edge. New razors are a wild card and if they carry any coatings of disinfectant or oil of sorts that hasn't been cleaned off, even minutes amounts of it may irritate the skin. I always take my "new" blades (NOS or not) to a metal polish, followed by renaissance wax (cleanly wiped with a towel).

    PS: Sorry about the long babble...I will stop here, but just my 2 cents

    Thanks, Robert - I appreciate the advice. I guess that will teach me in future not to try so many new products in a single shave! I'll do as you suggest and try and work out what it was that caused the burn. I never considered myself to have particularly sensitive skin, but something certainly didn't agree with me!

    Carry on with the classy shaves Gentleman!

  4. #244
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower
    Razor: J Wiss and Sons, Cosmo
    Brush: Omega Boar
    Cream: C.O. Bigelow
    AS: Aqua Velva
    Finish: Pierre Cardin EdC

    Early start this morning with a good shave and a better breakfast. My grandson's first football game is this evening so I need to get into work early and out early. The shave was pretty good but the razor could probably stand a touch up hone (just a little bit muddy, not as crisp as I like the edges on my razors). In any case, it rendered a decent shave.

    Trisha Yearwood on tunes this morning. Con Air was a great movie.
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  • #245
    Senior Member Jacketch's Avatar
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    Pre: Hot shower + face wash with organic hemp/peppermint soap + steaming hot towels
    Lather: Speick + glycerin
    Brush: Kingsley Badger
    Razor: W&B 6/8
    Astringent: Thayers WH
    AS: Clubman

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    Just off the hones, this battered old W&B lives up to it's reputation with a superb 2 pass shave that was smooth, irritation and nick free and as close as possible.

  • #246
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barrieduncan View Post
    Prep - Hot shower
    Soap - Palmolive Shave Stick, Palmolive Cream
    Brush - Body Shop synthetic
    Razor - Seehund 5/8th, carbon fibre scales
    AS - Clinique balm, Old Spice Original

    Result - Horrible, disaster of a shave!

    Today's shave was horrible but I think I only have myself to blame. Everything I used today was completely new to me; a new Seehund razor I just received from Neil Miller (cheers by the way Neil), a cheap brush that was an impulse buy from the Body Shop (I fancied trying synthetic to see the difference), some old school Palmolive stick and cream, and good old Old Spice Original. Something in that mix resulted in some severe irritation - the thing is with so many new variables I can't figure out what has upset my face so badly! The razor felt great during the shave - it cut without any problems and I hadn't shaved since monday - its the same shape, size and grind to my other razors so nothing out of the ordinary on that front. The brush felt a good bit stiffer than my badger brush, but I'm not sure a synthetic brush could be the cause of irritation? Whatever it was, I hadn't even finished the first pass when my face started to burn quite badly. I rinsed off the lather (which seemed to be pretty decent) and mixed up a quick lather with my TOBS Jermyn St cream, which I thought wouldn't be as bad as its for sensitive skin. The damage was done though, my face was stinging so bad I had to rinse of the new lather as well and abandon the shave completely. I applied some soothing balm to my face, and even that stung like a complete b*tch - and even now, 6 hours later, my face still smarts pretty bad, plus I have patches of stubble all over my chin to boot!

    I'm pretty annoyed - my last few shaves have been getting better and better - this one sucked real bad and I don't know why
    IMHO your face irritation may be due to the shaving soap/cream you are using. Try eliminating one or both of them first. Then I would look at your shaving technique (ie. blade angle) and/or the new brush.

    Just my 2 cents.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  • #247
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Birthday Shave
    Quote Originally Posted by Teiste View Post
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Its my birthday too,Robert,what a cool coincidence!!!
    Happy Belated Birthday Robert & Teiste, and wishes of many good shaves and years to come. Cheers!

  • #248
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Default Lazy Friday shave

    Pre-Shave: A shower
    Brush: H.L. Thäter, Silver tip
    Razor:C.V. Heljestrand MK 33, Ivory scales
    Honing Regimen: I touched it up on a La Dressante au Bleu, but needed a few passes on an Escher to get it all the way there.
    Strop: Neil Miller, Cordovan Shell
    Soap/Cream:Al's Shaving cream, Calabria
    Scuttle:Schwarzweisskeramik, Large White
    Astringent: Osma Alum, rinse, Thayer's Medicated SuperHazel
    After shave Balm: Al's ASB, Caabria
    EdT: Paco Rabanne
    Results: After finally dialing in the edge, it was a smooth and very comfortable shave this morning.Swedish steel is good stuff Al's products delivers every time. Bring on the weekend!!

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    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  • #249
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Default Who said you can't buy happiness?

    Razor: Buddel 7/8 in Suminagashi
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
    Uber: Domenico Caraceni + SRD Bulgarian Rose + Glycerin
    Strop: Kanayama
    Toner: Thayers Lavender
    ASB: Bomb "Tangerine" Light ASB
    EdT: Creed Windsor
    Result: I'm knocking on heaven's door this morning. This shave was luxury to the infinite degree. I had a different plan for today's shave, until I was gathering everything up and I had an inspiration. I had to try the ultimate luxury uberlather--just because it was there. Everything came together like clockwork. It was truly a case of coming to a fork in the road and choosing the road less traveled making all the difference! The lather exploded in my bowl. When I started working it into my face, I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. I was left with lather almost an inch thick on my face. The Buddel didn't know whether to shave my face or bask in the glory of this lather. In the end, it chose wisely. I was pretty much BBS after one pass, but I couldn't waste this type of opportunity. I did three full passes! Even then, I was left with half a bowl of pure heaven. What a way to wrap up the work week. I'm ready for court and for date night with my beautiful wife!

    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  • #250
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    No shave for me tonight.
    Its Friday night, the kids are finally in bed, and I'm just going to kick back.
    Have a great weekend fellas
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    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
    Clint Eastwood as William Munny in Unforgiven

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