Quote Originally Posted by Adept View Post
Thats what I call being a RICH man

I am so sorry. To be perfectly honest with You, I'm not sure I can find the words to describe how I feel. People say I take things to emotionally, but I cant help myself (to hell with the emotional detachment, I say...) – I sympathize with all parents and grandparents with little ones who are suffering, in any way.
He will be in my thoughts and I pray he gets better – that they ALL get better...
Oh, well that's very lovely. Again, I really appreciate the comments given by everyone. You know? The most important thing we can do in this life is love. Sometimes we don't take enough time to love. And I don't just mean our 'loved ones', I mean the guy at the corner shop, the bus driver, everyone. I'm not saying I DO that, I'm saying I SHOULD do that... Anyway, Bailey is a tough little boy at almost four who doesn't shy away from telling the nurses to "F off" (literally), and I'm sure he'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers. And I'll echo your words in a way, Adept, "Peace be with us all, with Grant and his partner, with Jackie, with Bailey and with all who have fears, and doubts and troubles...for we all have them..."

Now, let us get back to sharing this strange obsession we have with shaving, at the World Headquarters of Straight Shaving BROTHERHOOD....