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Thread: Sun December 4th - Sat December 10th

  1. #41
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Prep: Hot shower -- followed by Vitos pre-post-shave cream
    SS: RazoRock - Artisan Shaving Soap “Napoleon’s Violet”
    Brush: Semogue Owners’ Club “Two Band - Finest Badger Hair”
    Strop: VB Red Latigo 50 fabric; 60 leather
    Razor: 5/8” Dovo “Prima Klang” Extra Hollow Ground
    Toner: Thayers “Original” Witch Hazel w/ Aloe Vera
    ASB: GFT “Coral” Skin Food
    EDC: Creed “Erolfa”
    Result: WTG + XTG + ATG (Neck) = CBS…

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    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  2. #42
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    Blix, once again, you leave me coveting anothers goods!!! Darn you. That razor is stunning. You know how some razors catch your fancy and you just like them better than others, maybe even the same razor with a different suit on? That's this razor. Again, I am envious. !!!!!

    Lol thanks! Sure is a sweet razor.
    sharp and amb like this.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Bostwick Braun 6/8th Barbers Notch-RazoRock Limited Ed/TOBS St James-Amboyna Burl 24MM Silvertip-DB 1.5 Scuttle-John Varvatos ASB and Cologne

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    Love the mix of St James and the RR Limited Almond. Huge fluffy lather with fantastic glide. If you don't Uber, please give it a try. The complexity of scents and quality of lather is magnified and only limited by your imagination. The old Bostwick gave a great 3 pass shave and the Varvatos topped it off nicely for a Sun football day. Now to start some nice thick pork chops on the grill for SWMBO and myself.
    What a great start to the week and have a great day all!
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  4. #44
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Good Evening Gentlemen,

    I was a bit late posting today and you all ran off without me.

    Prep: Shower
    Strop: TI Paddle Strop, 30,70
    Brush: Muhle, Badger
    Soap: Cella Crema Sapone
    Razor: Dovo, Master's
    as: Old Spice

    The reason I'm late today, I went o the Cinema. Back in March, my sister was visiting and we went for a day out in the desert. We were sitting at the beach when these two gentlemen happened by. They stopped to chat and turned out to be a couple of film extras, filming with Antonio Banderas, in a film called Black Gold. I saw that it was showing this week and of course had to go and see it. It's quite a low budget film, but I found it very enjoyable.

    Have a Great Week
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  5. #45
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    Brush: SRP11 Thater
    Soap: MWF
    Scuttle; Robert Becker
    Razor: Utica Red Sun 150 5/8
    Toner: Thayer's WH w. Aloe
    AS: Royall Bay Rhum

    Very enjoyable

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  6. #46
    amb is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Great job Angel. No surprise with the Fili. Are you still in Brazil?
    Thank you Robert.
    No, I'm at home (Andorra). I arrived yesterday afternoon after 24 hours of trip.


  7. #47
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Razor: 7/8" Alex Jacques, Wedge, French Point (w/ Black & Tan G10 scales)
    Love that AJ Robert, it really appeals to my taste in custom razors.
    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
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  8. #48
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
    Razor: Brian Brown 8/8
    Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/English Bridle
    Soap: MdC
    After shave: 444/Old Spice White Water
    Results: A nice and relaxing sunday evening shave

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  9. #49
    Senior Member bman40's Avatar
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    Sunday afternoon (post half marathon training run) shave:

    Dovo 6/8 Best Quality
    Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap

    Aqua Velva Ice Blue
    Nivea ASB

    Trumper's Spanish Leather cologne

    5th shave in a row today. Managed to get a nearly close shave on the point of my chin. Missed a spot on my upper lip that's buggin' the crap out of me but overall, another darn fine shave today. Even managed a bit of blade buffing under my chin.

    I am really liking the weight and balance of the Dovo. Fingers crossed that it keeps getting better.


  10. #50
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Locale: Home Sweet Home - even if it is 0 Degrees out with 8" of snow
    Music: Elvis - If Every Day Were Christmas (Should have been CCR - Cosmos Factory though, did this one for SWMBO). With the Christmas tree in place, and the furniture moved, the house cleaned and all things looking festive, it is time to break out the Elvis!!!
    Prep: Hot Shower / Old Spice Endurance Hair & Body Wash / Hot Towel wrap
    Razor: 11/16 Cosmo Silver Steel fresh off the stones - First shave with this razor since it's 'bay purchase many months ago. She has been patiently waiting her turn to shine and be used again.
    Hones: King 1k, Norton 4/8k, PHIG, a Lathered Swaty, CrOx & Diamond paddles, 100 leather and the shave test. I could tell I had a bevel on her when I made a pass above my arm hair and they were flying off and obscuring the blade instantly. It was the King's maiden blade setting a bevel, and it did an excellent fast job of it.
    Brush: WillN 24mm Silvertip in American Ash / Lather Bowl #1 - this combination is my favorite for producing prodigious amounts of warm lather.
    Post: Warm Water Splash / Alum - Water and Alum are the first line of defense after every shave!
    Uber: RazoRock Cacao + Speick + Glycerine - A fantastic blend that never disappoints. This is my 'go to' combo when I haven't shaved in a few or more days. It made enough for my full 3 passes, plus my son to have a shave when I was done!!
    AS: Pinaud Lilac Vegetal - This stuff would be great if you enjoy the smell of Urinal Cakes. I quickly washed it off and put on some Lucky Tiger. I've never smelled anything so close to urinal cakes in my LIFE!!! And I waited for it to be delivered patiently. It shows up and it is totally disappointing and smells horrible.
    Edc: Stetson Original, drives the wife crazy!!! Spray it liberally and allow the snuggling to begin!
    Result: I thought it would be good to get out a razor I've never shaved with, haven't restored or modified in any way, set a bevel and polish the edge good and see what kind of shave I get. WOW!!!! I was immensely impressed with this Cosmo Silver Steel. It is very light, full hollow and feels very 'cheap' in your hand. It didn't shave 'cheap' I will attest. I have been so swamped that I have only had the energy to shave about every 3 days, and then out of necessity, LOL!! Today was a great relaxing shave, with yesterday spent lapping stones and honing razors. Today I wanted to try a different progression and really worked this razor over. It responded very well, giving one of my closest, irritation free shaves in weeks. She's heading into the rotation immediately.

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    Happy Shaving!!!!


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