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Thread: Sun June 24th - Sat June 30th

  1. #41
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, here is today's shave bill:

    Razor: iKon OSS
    Blade: Feather
    Brush: Rooney super
    Cream: Body Shop Macca Root
    Pre-shave: Edwin Jagger
    Face lather
    Scuttle: Moss
    Witch hazel
    Balm: Institute Karite
    Aftershave: Lagerfeld

  2. #42
    Señor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheXelol View Post
    I was in hospital for an MRI of the head (brain).
    Hope all is (or will be) OK.

  3. #43
    amb is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by fonthunter View Post
    This is a very nice rabbit Angel!
    Thanks Béla, you're very kind.


  4. #44
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Default Inexpensive Luxury

    Today's shave was proof positive that you do not have to spend a lot to get a FANTASTIC shave!!!

    13/16" Clauss - Got in a trade for a barbers hone from Rene, I just ran it over the 8k, 12k and 300 laps on the strops.
    24mm Silvertip - under 15$ from LarryAndro
    VDH soap - a gift for under 5$ from my son for fathers day
    Aqua Velva AS - a Walgreens buy, another gift for Fathers day from my youngest son. An oldie but goodie. Wife loves it.
    British Sterling - part of a sampler set my wife picked up on the cheap at KMart.

    All told this whole shave costs under 20$ and can be repeated dozens of times before any of the ingredients expire.

    I have a whole new appreciation for VDH as I have figured out the formula that allows it to make some amazingly thick and smooth lather. A couple of shavings, very thin, of it in the bowl the night before with just a tiny amount of water. Whipped like crazy just before showering and by the time I'm clean and ready to go, it has thickened up and with just a little more whipping it is top notch!!!

    Today it's over 100 degrees (in the shade) and you would think we live in Las Vegas or Phoenix not the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I took a cool shower and shaved with cold water. It was refreshing and soothing. After giving the Clauss a touch up on the stones and stropping the heck out of it, it was a wonderful shave. I wish everyone could get and enjoy such a shave as this one was.

    Enjoy your week gentlemen!!


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  5. #45
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    Brush: Vie-Long Horse
    Soap/Creme: Proraso Green
    Razor: Valet Autostrop
    Blade: Gem SS PTFE
    Pre: 3P
    Post: Proraso balm
    Result: DFS

  6. #46
    Kuala Lumpur Str8Fighter moonbeam's Avatar
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    TI O'Wing|Pegasus III Strop|ADP Cream|Aesop's Bitter Orange Astringent|Brut AS|Cade Balm

    Gave a minor change to the ritual,started off with an ATG thro'out,then followed by the other 'Gs'.After the Cade balm settled down,found out there is 1 lone grey guy way down the neck,called the O'Wing and popped him out.Followed Carl's advice,'map the face' and got a BBS today.

    The morale is very very high today coz I managed to fire-up the Kawasaki Z1R last nite after months of trying to find out out what went wrong with the new wiring harness,just a matter of wrongly connected terminals at the coils.Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo!
    Have a great shave to all.

    Last edited by moonbeam; 06-26-2012 at 04:37 AM.

  7. #47
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Tuesday

    Good morning friends!

    PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
    BRUSH: 22 mm Rooney Small Style 2 Silvertip Best Badger
    SOAP/CREAM: Proraso Soap
    SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
    RAZOR: 6/8" Filarmonica 13 Doble Temple, Round Point
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #60000
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
    AS: Proraso Liquid Cream After Shave
    RESULT: Comfortable, BBS shave

    Have a nice day,

  8. #48
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Prep Botanics Face Scrub
    Razor Soligen Iron Duke in Welsh Yew 6/8
    Brush Le Tuft Une Grande
    Vulfix Persian Musk
    Alum & Witch Hazel
    Neil's Yard Rose Moisturiser
    Penhaligon's Castile EDT


    The Duke as always been a smooth and comfortable shaver and today proved no different.

  9. #49
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Nice shave this AM with the W&B. I love the smooooothness of this razor. As I shaved, I considered that I have an impending appointment at some time in the near future with my 14 year old son to teach him how to shave. He says he needs to, which he doesn’t, but I’m not going to tell him that. I’m a bit worried about the whole thing. Teaching my older (21 year old) son how to shave with a straight was fine, but Joel is a witty, sarcastic, opinionated arsehole, as many 14 year olds are; and he excels at it. It’s just possible that he has inherited the trait from me. Anyway, I decided the most important thing to pass on is lightness of touch. That and the angle. I could start off slow and teach him to use a DE, but he could do with some coolness points at school so a straight it is.

    Razor: Wade and Butcher Special (about a 5/8) | Soap: Mme Scodioli ‘Boheme’ | After Shave: Mme Scodioli ‘Step Right Up’

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  10. #50
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    No shave, fell asleep early last night.

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