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Thread: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

  1. #31
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Razor:15/16" BARTMANN #504, Worked spine, Full Hollow Ground, Round point
    Beautiful Bartmann.
    Last edited by Maximilian; 09-16-2012 at 06:23 PM. Reason: pic quoting removal
    sharp and JoeSomebody like this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member csrund's Avatar
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    Happy Sunday!

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    Torrey 146, stropped 20/60 on the Illinois 127
    Tabac cream, Conk badger
    Pinaud Clubman

    Three passes, DFS. The cool, fall air felt good afterward.

  3. #33
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

    Ok so ive just experienced my first shave with an SR... Here is a run down of my experience.

    17.15 GMT - Had a quick hot shower and gave my brush a good soak - its a chepo wilkson sword - to my amazment it smelt like a wet beast so im presuming it to be boar - for £3.50 im a happy man... The aroma of the beast wafts up my nose amd my experience starts to become very real. I then soak a face cloth... My whiskers let out a shreak as they come face to face with their demise a few seconds later i remove the cloth from my skin... It feels alive. I repeat a further 2 times.

    17.30 GMT - I employ my tub of Macca Root shaving cream from the bodyshop and let the brush mingle with the cream i then face lather. Using circular motion i whip a storm of a lather and im really impressed... I seem like a natural at this so far... I create a lather like foram coming from a rabid dogs mouth.

    17.35 GMT - The hamburg razor is deployed. Using the skills that i have learnt through this fantastic forum and the tube i hold my razor firm with 2 fingers behind the scales and two fingers in front. It feels natural... Me and the razor have become one.

    17.36 GMT - The razor meets the skin! In slow downwards movements i start to shave, ensuring that i stretch my skin taught. The feeling of the metal on my skin and the sound of the razor cutting through my whiskers sounds like im sat listening to a live orchestra - its creating beautiful music but the music is sending a slight tremble through my body as its gradually getting louder and louder the more i focus.

    17.48 GMT - The whole of the left side and my moustache has endured the razor... The wife then walks in the room - on the second i start on the right side (me weak side as im left handed). I throw her a glance - if looks could kill she would be dust - and remind her that i need complete and utter silence. I now feel nervous. My wife is one of lifes very clumsy people. I fold razor until she has gone.

    17.55 GMT - The wife leaves the bathroom. I take a second to covey my work in the mirror. I smile - this is a good experience. I regain focusand start slicing thrpugh my whiskers. I attempt to use my right hand but it becomes a foreign object and i cant seem to use it so i remain using my trusty left hand and say to myself give it time... One day ill be skilled enough to use both hands. For now ill stick with the safe option.

    18.05 GMT - I have completed my first full pass. My skin begins to tingle as the crisp evening air blows onto my face. I feel good and slighty releaved. I look acrpss the battlefield and count 4 injuries slowly seeping blood. Nothing to worry about.

    18.08 GMT - I wipe my face down and repeat the hot towel process.

    18.11 GMT - I whip another whirlwind up on my face. The smell of the Macca Root shaving cream smells rather plesent and feels good on my skin.

    18.14 GMT - The second pass commences. The storkes glide across my skin... The music is extremely faint... If not silent. It doesnt take me long to complete this pass. But i keep repeating my mantra 'slow, slower, slowest'.

    18.27 GMT - I rinse face with cold water and splash on some witchazel. My face feels fantastic... Like it has been smothered for a while and then allowed to breathe again. I allow the witchazel to soak in and apply some nivea aftershave balm. I feel amazing. I have now become a true man! The wife looks ate and says youve done a great job... My heart fills with pride!!!

    My verdict - Never again will another razor, other than a SR, touch my skin. I set a rule... No desposible razor will enter this house again! I feel great... The music of the razor cutting through my whiskers keeps ringing in my ears. I cannot wait until tomorrow!

  4. #34
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

    Here is a pic of the battlefield just after the first pass. I wear the blood stains with pride! I won the battle but have not yet won the war!

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  5. #35
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbert33 View Post
    Here is a pic of the battlefield just after the first pass. I wear the blood stains with pride! I won the battle but have not yet won the war!
    Wow! Was it because of the razor? Or was it because it was not properly honed? First time with that razor?
    Mvcrash, sharp and DFriedl like this.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbert33 View Post
    Here is a pic of the battlefield just after the first pass. I wear the blood stains with pride! I won the battle but have not yet won the war!
    Great razor! Aaargh, those photos bring back memories of a non-muted spike point; I got my ears too! It is nice to see someone posting a less than stellar shave! You seem to have gotten a close shave and time will take care of the bumples you didn't know you had. Alum block will be your friend for the near future! It is antifungal and antiseptic and stings a lot when your face is a bit raw! Good luck, things can only get better..most of the time!
    Carry onward!

  7. #37
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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  8. #38
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sun September 16th - Sat September 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by razorguy View Post
    Wow! Was it because of the razor? Or was it because it was not properly honed? First time with that razor?
    The razor is ace and honed by a great guy here on SRP... This was my first shave with an SR. It looks far far worse than it actually is. I love it though.

  9. #39
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Great, er Shaves today men! It only gets better!

    Cool Nostalgic shave with an old Wilkinson Empire with the Sunday blade in. Poraso ubered up, Thater and AQV. Blades were not too bad on this oldie, so I charged a strop with CrOx and ran it on this blade and then some leather. Top-heavy thing, hard to get used to! I started adjusting the blade and wound up with the most aggressive setting. Shaved pretty good. I think I will just hone this blade and start over. If I grow to like this beast more, I will hone the others!
    Definitely a different shaving experience. Did not appear to be dangerous in the least!

    Have a great week, ALL!

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    Last edited by sharptonn; 09-17-2012 at 03:21 AM.

  10. #40
    Senior Member England's Avatar
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    Razor: Sheffield, Pitchford 6/8, 1/4 hollow grind.
    Soap: Mitchels wool fat.
    Aftershave: Professor Blighty's - Sandalwood
    Brush: Edwin Jagger - Badger
    Prep: Wash face twice with HOT water, Lather face, strop blade then shave.
    After: HOT face cloth then COLD water - Witch Hazel - Aftershave.
    Result: WOW

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