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Thread: Sun September 30th - Sat October 06th

  1. #161
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    So much to do, so little time...

    Had a good shave today and am on shave #5 with my one month razor experiment So far so good.

    Dorko 7/8 | Moss Scuttle | Jagger Sandalwood Soap | Clubman AS

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    I dream of a world where a chicken can cross a road without having it's motives questioned.

  2. #162
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    Sat, Oct 6

    Pre: Hot Shower, 10 Linen, 15 Leather
    Razor: Hart 5/8" Square tip w/ Rosewood
    Brush: Thiers-Issard Super Badger w/ Black Horn Handle
    Scuttle: Dirty Bird Brush Scuttle
    Soap: SRD Frankincense
    Post: Cold water and Alum
    Aftershave: T&H 1805

    Let the beard grow for a while. Now it is getting nice and thick. The neck is baby smooth. Baby Jesus smooth. Now I know why the wize men gave him frankincense. Its a pretty good smelling fragrance.

    Good Shaving!
    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

  3. #163
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, here is today's shave menu:

    Razor: Thiers-Issard "Dos Festonne" dreadnought 6/8 in Desert Ironwood
    Brush: Thater 24 mm silver tip
    Soap: Taylor of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street
    Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
    Scuttle: Moss
    Witch hazel
    Balm: Institute Karite
    Aftershave: Royal Copenhagen

  4. #164
    Vintage Scent shop clerk Leon's Avatar
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    Saturday morning full bloom.

    The impressive loft of the Semogue 2040HD overshadows the elegance and flair of the Heljestrand MK 5 ivory straight razor.

  5. #165
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Many thanks for a great week of shaves and photography!

    Hot shower prep
    Razor: A.W.Wadsworth & Sons GERMANY ~1905-1938
    Soap: VDH
    Mug: GERMAN
    Brush: Horsehair
    Aftershock: Alum block
    Splash: #4711

    Another cool day today but the sun is making it seem a lot warmer, All items have been used before and they blended very pleasantly this morning.

    A.W. Wadsworth was an import brand of the Kastor Brothers, very well known cutlery importers and manufacturers based in New York, NY. They also purchased a firm in Solingen about 1890 that they named "Germania Cutlery" Below is a much shortened clip from "Goins'":
    New York City
    Trademarks used: "Imperial Razor Company", four-leaf clover, "XLNT", "K & Co GERMANY", and others
    About 1901, Kastor & Bros purchased the Camillus Knife Company of Camillus, New York. They changed the name in 1902 to the Camillus Cutlery Co. In 1947, the name Kastor was dropped completely, although they are still in business as Camillus.
    ca. 1876 - 1947
    From "Goins'"

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!


  6. #166
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower
    Razor: J Wiss and Sons Cosmo
    Brush: Omega Boar
    Soap: Arko Shavestick
    AS: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Finish: Classic Match (CK Obsession)
    Result: Can't say I even remember when my last 3 pass shave was. It sure isn't standard these days but to celebrate my Semi-Centennial I figure, why not. And a fine shave it was.
    The older I get, the better I was

  7. #167
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Razor: Henckels Friodur 17 (7/8)
    Strop: Ambrose Spanish Horse (20/60)
    Preshave: Castle Forbes
    Brush: New Forest 2201
    lather: Castle Forbes Lavender
    AS: Mühle Aloe Vera ASB
    EdT: Fragonard Cologne Grand Luxe EdT
    Comments: Today I have visited a local barbershop in Pamplona, la Barbería de Maite Arbea , one of Maite's customers has a Henckels like mine and he wanted to refresh the edge,....He's starting to shhave himself with a straight razor. Then I started to give him some pieces of advice, but I decided that it could be better a practical lesson and Maite let me show my way of shaving to his customer. Finally the shave has finished with no blood (thank Jesus) and the result has been as the Mikael's and Béla's shaves: very clean.


    PD: Happy birthday to eTom's mother
    Last edited by du212; 10-06-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #168
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHoren View Post
    Scent: Floris Summer Limes EDT
    Is this "summer limes" very different from the traditional limes cologne of Floris?
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  9. #169
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by du212 View Post
    Is this "summer limes" very different from the traditional limes cologne of Floris?
    LOL... no. I just spritzed some of each on the back of my hands, and, in all honesty, any difference is quite small. I would have to say that Floris "Limes" is more citrusy than their "Summer Limes". The funny part of the SOTD is that I meant to take my bottle of Floris Limes, but grabbed Summer Limes by mistake!

    Smooth shaving!
    du212 likes this.

  10. #170
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    One Year Straight Shaving!!!!

    This weekend I'm celebrating one year since I took up the straight.

    I'm working on my W&B Bow Razor this week with my RazoRock lineup, so here's my anniversary SOTD.

    One Year Anniversary Shave

    Razor: W&B Bow Razor
    Brush: Omega Pro 49
    Strop: SRD Black Latigo
    Preshave: RazoRock King Louis Lavender
    Soap: RazoRock King Louis Lavender
    AS: RazoRock King Louis Lavender
    ASB: *take a wild guess*
    EDT: RazoRock Lavender

    I've still got a lot to learn, but today's shave was light years ahead of where I was a year ago, of course. I must say, I'm glad I found this hobby and this great community with which to share it! Here's hoping for many more years of enjoyment.

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