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Thread: Sun November 18th - Sat November 24th

  1. #201
    Senior Member Arioch's Avatar
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    Mike's Natural Soaps AF : Simpson Chubby 2 Two Bands : Heljestrand MK nº32 Ivory Scalesl : Bálsamo Proraso

  2. #202
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    If you'll go to the shooting range...please don't forget your cleaning kit

    Today a Thiers Issard for a smooth shave
    Have a nice weekend

  3. #203
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: M&F Blond badger two band
    Razor: C V Heljestrand no 9½
    Soap/AS: Floris (89+Santal)
    Edt: Penhaligon's English Fern (Cheers Carl! )
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean indeed

    Two days stubble fell off in fear for this compact 1/2 hollow ground razor, nice one!

  4. #204
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Cadet OC/iKon Bulldog 11 Handle
    Personna Medical Stainless
    Frank Shaving Finest Badger
    KMF Pomegranate & Grapefruit Shave Cream
    KOS Balm
    Herve Leger Homme

  5. #205
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Worst SOTD ever. You may want to skip this one...seriously!

    I was in relaxing last night after a very frustrating Black Friday that I had to work. Soaking in the tub, rinsing away the stress and frustrations, my son comes in and chats with me a bit about his day and how great it was. I get up and dry off and start to prep. As I finish applying my lather my wife walks in with a very bewildered look.

    She explains that her dad just entered the hospital, his wife just signed the DNR papers, and it is expected to be less than a week. She then explains that his daughter who has been waiting on a kidney for over a decade JUST received word that one finally came available, but (she is special needs) her mother will have to drop everything and drive her 2 states over to receive the kidney and the procedure.

    I cannot comprehend leaving the side of my dying spouse for any reason....I cannot comprehend not dropping everything and running to get the kidney that my child has been dying without.

    Once my head stopped swimming, I began my shave and for those few moments, I was able to leave this conundrum behind. The results of the shave actually were quite remarkable...A DFS....but an uncomprehending situation waiting on the other side of the door.

    My wife is a mess and I am waiting for her to decide what to do (her dad is 14 hours away)...we made it through the night last night without receiving "the call"

    Here is a photo from MUCH better times. Note the awesome MO

  6. #206
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Worst SOTD ever. You may want to skip this one...seriously!

    I was in relaxing last night after a very frustrating Black Friday that I had to work. Soaking in the tub, rinsing away the stress and frustrations, my son comes in and chats with me a bit about his day and how great it was. I get up and dry off and start to prep. As I finish applying my lather my wife walks in with a very bewildered look.

    She explains that her dad just entered the hospital, his wife just signed the DNR papers, and it is expected to be less than a week. She then explains that his daughter who has been waiting on a kidney for over a decade JUST received word that one finally came available, but (she is special needs) her mother will have to drop everything and drive her 2 states over to receive the kidney and the procedure.

    I cannot comprehend leaving the side of my dying spouse for any reason....I cannot comprehend not dropping everything and running to get the kidney that my child has been dying without.

    Once my head stopped swimming, I began my shave and for those few moments, I was able to leave this conundrum behind. The results of the shave actually were quite remarkable...A DFS....but an uncomprehending situation waiting on the other side of the door.

    My wife is a mess and I am waiting for her to decide what to do (her dad is 14 hours away)...we made it through the night last night without receiving "the call"

    Here is a photo from MUCH better times. Note the awesome MO
    OMG! I hope and pray everything will work out for you wife and her father. I could not imagine having to make a decision like that.

  7. #207
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Worst SOTD ever. You may want to skip this one...seriously!

    I was in relaxing last night after a very frustrating Black Friday that I had to work. Soaking in the tub, rinsing away the stress and frustrations, my son comes in and chats with me a bit about his day and how great it was. I get up and dry off and start to prep. As I finish applying my lather my wife walks in with a very bewildered look.

    She explains that her dad just entered the hospital, his wife just signed the DNR papers, and it is expected to be less than a week. She then explains that his daughter who has been waiting on a kidney for over a decade JUST received word that one finally came available, but (she is special needs) her mother will have to drop everything and drive her 2 states over to receive the kidney and the procedure.

    I cannot comprehend leaving the side of my dying spouse for any reason....I cannot comprehend not dropping everything and running to get the kidney that my child has been dying without.

    Once my head stopped swimming, I began my shave and for those few moments, I was able to leave this conundrum behind. The results of the shave actually were quite remarkable...A DFS....but an uncomprehending situation waiting on the other side of the door.

    My wife is a mess and I am waiting for her to decide what to do (her dad is 14 hours away)...we made it through the night last night without receiving "the call"

    Here is a photo from MUCH better times. Note the awesome MO
    Wow, talk about a conundrum. Amazing that something so wonderful, the gift of an organ came at the worst possible time. Sometimes we are tested in mysterious ways....God Speed to you and your family.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  8. #208
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Pre - Alum block
    Strop - 3 inch Bridle leather with hard felt
    Brush - SOC 2 band badger
    Scuttle - Robert Becker
    Razor - Pre 1891 W&B near wedge with barbers notch
    Soap - Vitos Red+Proraso Green cream with 3 drops glycerin and 1 drop lanolin
    Post - Alum block followed by Thayers witch hazel

    Worst shave of the week but still passable. Nothing wrong with the razor just my inability to hone a near wedge with lots of hone wear and a warp. Still better than it was before. Gotta love a challenge. Nothing like using a blade that is well over 100 years for a kick. Hope your shave is much better.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  9. #209
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    We will be thinking of you and your family while wishing for a good outcome. Hard to remember that you never get more on your plate than you can handle at times like these.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  10. #210
    Senior Member ShavingSrgn's Avatar
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    Default Sun November 18th - Sat November 24th


    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

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