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Thread: Sun - March 31th - Sat April 06th

  1. #61
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    Good morning y'all! I needed to get out of the house quickly this morning to make a meeting in Laredo, so a quick DE shave for me to start the week.

    Prep - hot shower
    Soap - Bath House Spanish Fig and Nutmeg
    Brush - Vie Long JL Petree LE, 2 band
    Razor - Ikon OC, OSS handle, Gillette Silver Blue blade
    Post - cold water, alum, Kiehl's lotion
    EDT - Atelier Cologne, Vetiver Cologne

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    Have a great week fellas!

  2. #62
    Senior Member Deegee's Avatar
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    Todays BBS achieving equipment...

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    Pre : Hot water, L'Oreal hydrating face wash
    Brush : Progress Vulfix 404
    Soap : Mitchell's Wool Fat, glycerine drops
    Razor : Gillette Superspeed flare tip
    Blade : Feather
    Post : Cold water, alum block, Nivea moisturising balm
    A/S : Old Spice

    Finish : Feels as good as it smells.
    ~ Dave ~ ... back to lurking...

  3. #63
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Proraso (Pre, Cream and ASL)
    Osma Alum
    Le Grelot

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    Happy Shave!

    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  4. #64
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfries View Post

    Every moment is a gift, relish in it, cherish it, and be ever thankful for it.
    So true, you never know when you will go. Right now I measure life in how many shaves I have left.
    pfries and ratbag like this.
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  5. #65
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Monday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Truefitt & Hill: Luxury Shaving Soap
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: Josh Earl custom 8/8 - Ebony scales
    ASB: Caswell-Massey No.Six

    Nice and smooth.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  6. #66
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    Razor: Josh Earl custom 8/8 - Ebony scales
    Nice and smooth.
    I don't know what it is about that Josh Earl but I want to grab it and decimate some stubble.
    Thanks for showing it.
    Otto, gooser and ojinsa like this.

  7. #67
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    Earlier this morning:
    Pre: Hot shower, T&H Ultimate Comfort pre shave oil
    Brush: Semogue 1250
    Soap: Proraso white
    Razor: Wilkinson Sword
    Blade: Polsilver Super Iridiums (2)
    AS: Nivea aftershave lotion, GFT Coral Skin Food

  8. #68
    Senior Member dfrazor's Avatar
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    Strop - Jemico
    Prep - Hot water + shave towel
    Pre-Shave - Musgo Real Glyce
    Brush - Dad's old brush
    Soap - Palmolive
    Mug - James Kent scuttle
    Razor - 9/16 Colquhoun & Cadman hollow
    Post - Thayers + Nivea balm

    The weather seems to be slowly improving, hope everyone has a nice week ahead of them
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  9. #69
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    3 razor shave today ...
    after adding a CA finish to some wood scales that were dry and cracked i touched up the blade a bit and found the Torrey i got couple weeks ago with a piece of tape on the spine so i decided to touch it up on the coticule also ..

    pre= lathered up some Bald Frog and applied it before the shower
    soap= Bald Frog : Cucumber Lavender "
    brush= Thater 21mm finest badger
    1) Friedmann & Lauterjung
    2) Torrey " whip line "
    3) Gillette SS
    results ... had a 3 days growth ( rare for me anymore) and both razors performed past my expectations leaving a comfortable smooth 1 pass shave with only hair felt ATG , right side 1 pass WTG & 1 pass XTG with the Torrey , i took care of the left side with 1 pass WTG & 1 pass XTG with the F&L , followed by a ATG with the Gillette SS ..

    Last edited by gooser; 04-02-2013 at 06:41 AM.

  10. #70
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Razor | Jernbolaget | Cream | Body Shop Macca Root | After Shave | D. R. Harris Bay Rum | Hair Tonic (FWIW) Pashana Bay Rum

    OK, so, let’s be clear right from the outset; this is gonna be a LONG post, so if you don’t want to read it, scroll down a couple of meters, I’ve got a LOT to talk about…

    So, off I went camping last Thursday; Wednesday being the day of my last shave and last SOTD post. Camping was with my sons (23 and 15) and my brother (same age as me - vintage era). We headed for Deep Creek National Park as always and found we had to stay at a campsite that had only long-drop toilets as we call them here and NO showers. I know having a hot shower while camping makes me sound like a whoosy-whooster, but it is nice after a two hour walk or after throwing one’s self in the ocean.

    Talking of throwing one’s self in the ocean, I did indeed, chilly though it was and had a thoroughly good time. The sea was quite rough, and I delighted in diving under the waves and goading them to try and push me off my feet, as I stood, nose firmly clasped in pinching thumb and forefinger, one leg braced back and one forward; head thrusting to the rushing onslaught of crashing waves. The waves won.

    One morning was spent having a smallish walk, which turned in to my favourite activity of following animal trails. Following animal trails through the bush is a great activity. It’s good exercise as you need to bend and twist under low branches and shrubs and it makes one feel like an Originally Created Forest Creature. If you don’t normally follow animal trails on your walks through forest/everglade/high desert/moor/Central Park/Tiananmen Square/The Piazza/etc, do so; it brings one an interesting link with nature…

    On return to my humble abode, I’d found it had become, in my absence, even MORE humble, as the hot water service had ‘blown up’ (I use the term 'Blown Up' descriptively, for emphasis) and there was no hot water. Just what one wants to hear on returning home from camping. One’s blood was on the fast simmer, nearing a boil; especially as one had smoked ½ a packet of roll-your-own tobacco (courtesy the wayward brother) over the last three days and one was wanting MORE, and STAT!

    One’s blood was taken off the boil by retiring one’s self to bed after an ‘invigorating’ cold shower. I use the term 'invigorating' descriptively, for emphasis)

    At some point over the next few days I had to kill a chicken. No, that is not some sort of weird euphemism, I really did have to kill a chicken. ‘Old Girl’ decided to demonstrate with clarity why she was called ‘Old Girl’. Feathers were strewn hither and thither, and the red comb thingy on the top of her head was pink and floppy. She didn’t eat for two days and decided to take herself off to a dust hole and die a quiet death. The wife asked if I thought I should put her out of her misery. When I answered in the affirmative she said ‘No, don’t, I don’t want to know that you could DO that!’. I had already decided it must be done, and when ‘Old Girl’ several minutes later was quietly dispatched to chicken heaven by means of a block splitter to the neck and I returned inside, the wife looked at me like I was some sort of MONSTER straight out of Silence of the Lambs. I told her it was a normal farmyard activity, to which she replied that I was not a farmer, which one couldn't argue with, really.

    Next adventure was honing the Jernbolaget (yes, I’m getting on some sort of SOTD track now). For some UNFATHOMABLE reason I decided to use a light slurry; 10 laps with and 10 without. Well, I’m here to tell you this morning’s shave was shit. Quite a bit tuggy, and even though it was five days of growth, tuggyness should not have happened with a sharp razor.

    Just a side note on the five days of growth. This is the longest I’ve been without a shave for years, and I was mortified, yes, MORTIFIED at the ridiculously scant and patchy growth! I reckoned that some hair follicles had a massive 1 cm between them! I vowed to never again give advice on honing, firstly as I have clearly NO idea what I’m doing, and secondly any razor honed my even a halfwit monkey wouldn’t need to be re-honed for DECADES after being used on MY face. Maybe I should shave off the moustache, beard and soul-patch thingy so I can prove (or disprove) my honing skills!!

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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

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