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Thread: What shavette/disposable blade SR do you have?

  1. #1
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Default What shavette/disposable blade SR do you have?

    So you blokes with the Shavettes/Feathers and whatever else have you, I'm interested in finding out more about these much maligned tool of the wet shaving world. I think that one could find it's way into my shave den, but I just don't know enough about them. How about we get some photo's, reviews and commentary on your (or one of your) chosen method/s of shaving.

    I look forward to seeing and reading your posts.

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  2. #2
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    I have a blue Dovo Shavette with the long Dovo blades.

    it is good for travel as I only need the shavette and spare blades.

    I find it really good and the long blades last 6 - 8 shaves for me, the short DE blades lasted less

    once I get my Straight edge properly honed this will stay in use, especially when I travel
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  3. #3
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Post a photo when and if you can mate. I'm interested in seeing these beasts too. For the sake of educating us novices to the razor, what do you mean by long blades and short blades? How does it work? Treat me like an absolute idiot on the subject. It's ok, my wife does it to me all the time.


  4. #4
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    here are some pics of the blades and the shavette compared to a normal Straight

    The shavette is considerably lighter than a straight weighing in at about 1/2 the weight as the Dovo Stainless in the pic

    the one I purchased came with 2 inserts, a black insert for the long blade and a red insert for a DE blade plus it came with 1 DE blade and 1 long blade so I could try both.

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    there is a black plastic insert that simply slides out of the blue metal cover and that insert is what holds the blade in place.

    I found it great to learn with as I didn't need to worry about learning to strop and take care of a SE at the same time as learning to shave with one. I still haven't shaved with the SE yet as I need to get it properly honed, so as to technique difference I cant tell you.
    Last edited by monkeycam; 08-07-2013 at 01:31 PM.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Chalito's Avatar
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    I have a parker shavette (Pictured below). It's ok in my opinion, I had bought it originally with the intent to only use that but I ended getting a real straight and prefer that much more. I even prefer the double edge safety razors to the parker shavette. On this model the top part pulls back and the lower half opens up so you can place a single edge in there.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    I recently purchased a DOVO shavette, as I am rather uncoordinated and have dropped two razor in the same week. The razor was used twice and now sits in my bathroom drawer. I really need a lot more practice with the shavette but I do not really like it. The shave gets done but I feel lacking in gusto that comes with the real deal. I have used the green insert with Personna blades and the black insert with the DOVO long blades. The personna shave was a lot better.
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  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have the Feather SS. It has a nice weight, very easy to use, nice grippy handle, and dismantles very easily for cleaning. And most important it shaves very well! The only down side is the edge is exposed, put they do have a cover you can buy separately.
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    MickR (08-08-2013)

  12. #8
    Senior Member Deegee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    I have the Feather SS. It has a nice weight, very easy to use, nice grippy handle, and dismantles very easily for cleaning. And most important it shaves very well! The only down side is the edge is exposed, put they do have a cover you can buy separately.
    To me, the Feather SS is expensive for what it is.

    Personally, I have a cheapo shavette which sometimes snags my goatee (which hurts like hell), so I'm rather reluctant to use it. I am looking at getting a 'CJB' though, selling at the much more economical price of £35. Something like one of these...
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  13. #9
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Welp, it's nice to see this bright and shiny new subforum!

    I got started with a Spilo Magic razor from my local beauty supply store (Sally Beauty Supply, for those in the US). It cost me a whopping $10, so not bad to get a feel for shaving with a straight razor.

    It might travel with me if I fly anywhere, but for now, it's my 5-year-old son's razor (no blade in it, of course). I mean, he has a strop (old elastic & cotton belt) and brush (toy one) already, so I figured I might as well give him his own razor.
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  14. #10
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    I have Dovo, Parker, and Feather shavettes.

    The most difficult one for me to learn was the Dovo, because it is smaller and lighter than a traditional straight. I fared better with the Parker because the size and weight was more similar to a straight razor. After using the Parker I tried the Dovo again and was able to use it.

    Of course, the best one is the Feather and for a good reason. I bought one just a few weeks ago from a member here and it is more of a precision instrument. It uses injector blades, and those who prefer shavettes as their razor of choice would be well served to get one of those.
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    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

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