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Thread: I don't want to say I lied

  1. #31
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Why not ask her to please, pretty please return your balls.
    Lemur, HNSB, MickR and 5 others like this.

  2. #32
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Tell her the truth. Anything else will eventually be found out. The arguments that will ensue over a "little lie" about a razor will be non-stop until you admit to all of the follow and take full responsibility:
    global warming and it counterpart, global cooling
    the hole in the ozone layer
    the starving people around the world
    the military/industrial complex's conspiracy to end her rights
    the rising and setting of the sun and moon
    her gaining weight, getting old and/or turning grey
    the fact she has 3 closets of clothes yet nothing to wear
    87 pairs of black heels that are not quite the right shade of black (hopefully you will not be brought to task over all the other colors as well)
    93 shades of lipstick none of which are her 'color', same with nail polish
    her dad getting drunk at your wedding
    you getting drunk at your wedding
    you trying to "return her to her dad" at the wedding, him saying "no receipt, no return"
    the doctor looking at you while she stitched up the cut on your face that you got from the lamp that was thrown at you

    So in the end it is just simply be a man and say "yes, my dear, I know we need to be saving money but I never thought I would get that razor for such a low price considering the awesome condition it is in, I will sell it if it will make you feel better."

    then follow up on her answer.

    honesty, is the best policy

    Be just and fear not.

  3. #33
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelbro View Post
    Why not ask her to please, pretty please return your balls.

  4. #34
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    Tell the truth, always tell the truth. Say something along the lines of: "I know that I said I wouldn't buy any more razors but I saw this one and it was cheap and so nice and I was weak. I'm sorry, I promise to try to do better in the future."

    Note: do NOT, under any circumstances, promise not to do it again - just promise to TRY!

    Chevhead likes this.
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  5. #35
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    If you have a Zeepk or Kriegar or a junk eBay razor somewhere go and break it on the faucet. After that cry where she can see you doing it. Then be real quiet and mope around for several hours.
    When she asks what's wrong (and she will) tell her that was your favorite razor, best shaver, etc.

    She'll soon beg you to get a replacement razor and after your strong show of emotion she might even do other things to help cheer you up.
    Hirlau, WW243 and Chevhead like this.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  6. #36
    Senior Member MikekiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrygr View Post
    And more important: All shipments are delivered to my working address!
    Same here...
    WW243 and harrygr like this.
    Love new things that look old, and old things, made to look new again!

  7. #37
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelbro View Post
    Why not ask her to please, pretty please return your balls.
    ..... This post gets my vote for 'SRP Post of the Month"!

  8. #38
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    I'm of the mind that honesty is the best policy.

    I'm also of the mind that I can justify my little indulgences as well.

    So, I say tell her that you know you promised and you'll try not to let it happen again. Furthermore, tell her you're going to swap it for one of your current razors, trying to sell it for as much or more than you paid for this one.

    I've found this to work well with SWMBO, who either let's the matter go entirely or tells me not to worry about it and keep the razor.

    WW243 likes this.
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    I just buy them and when she find out (witch she does quite QUICKLY) I just let her complain a little tell her it was a GREAT deal and it is all good.
    She WILL get over it.
    If not then you have more problems than spending a little bit of money.... LOL

  10. #40
    Senior Member ChopperStyle's Avatar
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    You could always call the post office and get them to hold your mail or have a neighbor pick up the mail for you.

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