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Thread: half rattler - what are they comparable to?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    I think it looks great...vaguely reminds me of the 9/8 smiling Chopper I showed you, has the nice smile, can see having a tang like that for balance. If you look at that pic again, you can see it has I guess what's called a "monkey tail", a much more pronounced, longer tang. And Valery told me this was for not only aesthetic reasons vis s vis proportions, but also to more properly balance the blade and make for easier handling. I think it's a great starting point, I'm assuming your sending the concept to an custom razor maker, and I'm sure he could help you refine it to the point where it captures the picture you have in your mind of it.

    Very exciting process Ed, best of luck getting your project off the ground, will be fascinating to see it progress through the various stages to completion...think you'll end up with quite the beauty!!!
    Thanks, i did "borrow" elements from the pics you sent me, i did a sketch with a point more like the frameback you sent me a picture of, but it wasnt quite right, but the point on what i have made is a kind of hybrid of it and a notch. The width is currently between 8/8 and 17/16.
    The tang and tail may get a bit longer but not much, i will have to make some more cut outs.
    Interestingly when i emailed someone about making it, i sent a bit of a vague description of what i wanted but i was thinking of a full hollow, then i remembered a thread about a razor that i liked so i emailed another member with a pretty rubbish description of the razor i had seen, they said "that sounds like a rattler" so i looked at rattlers and that wasnt quite it, so i googled rattlers and found the document i posted early on in the thread, and found out it was a half rattler.
    I then emailed the razor maker and said can you do a half rattler grind, and he said something along the lines of "funny you should say that i have been wanting to make a mappin and webb lancet point replica". So i looked up mappin and webb lancet point, and that was the exact razor i had seen that mafde me want the grind.
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  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    How long is the tang from the blade to pivot on your w&b's, i realise they wont all be the same but an average would be good, i have the tang about 3/8 (9mm) deep, as i have used other razors that have a similar size tang and it feels right, plus the distance from the topof the spine to the point where the blade thins out will be about that distance too, so the lines should flow through, with the thinnest section of the blade standing alone.
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  3. #33
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    How long is the tang from the blade to pivot on your w&b's, i realise they wont all be the same but an average would be good, i have the tang about 3/8 (9mm) deep, as i have used other razors that have a similar size tang and it feels right, plus the distance from the topof the spine to the point where the blade thins out will be about that distance too, so the lines should flow through, with the thinnest section of the blade standing alone.
    Hi Ed - heading out to the gym and to do some errands, will do some measuring for you when I get back. I appreciate you letting me help in making this razor.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Hi Ed - heading out to the gym and to do some errands, will do some measuring for you when I get back. I appreciate you letting me help in making this razor.
    Screw the gym and errands, go and measure the darn razors
    Seriously i appreciate the help, i want something kind of vintagey looking, and the best way to do that, in my opinion is to take cues from vintage razors i like, but dont own
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  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    This thread may help in terms of 'rattler'.

    And then there is this one .......
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  7. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    This thread may help in terms of 'rattler'.

    And then there is this one .......
    The wade and butcher is nice, esp after the clean up, and i noticed that neil miller included exactly the same image as me
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  8. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    The wade and butcher is nice, esp after the clean up, and i noticed that neil miller included exactly the same image as me
    So are you saying that 'great minds think alike?'
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  9. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    So are you saying that 'great minds think alike?'
    Thats kind of you to say
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  10. #39
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    This thread may help in terms of 'rattler'.

    And then there is this one .......
    Wow! Seems to be exactly what Ed has in mind...nice looking blades.

    Thanks JimmyHAD!

    Measured a 4 of my 9/8's, and aside from some differences in the curl of the tang, normal vs. monkey tail, all of them were exactly the same. More to the comment on another thread regarding blade geometry, the blade on mine were 6" with the pivot to the end of the tang being 1". I actually thought there might be more variance, but they were all spot on.

    Hope this helps, I think JimmyHAD's hit as close to the mark as your going to get...the one that someone mentioned may have been a wedge ground down further seemed to be exactly the image you were describing Ed?

  11. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Pretty much eh, though i did want a spinethat then steps down slightly to the wider part of the blade, ie in profile the blade would have 3 distinct widths, though maybe that would be a bit of a mare to make. Sorry if i am beig slow, is the overall length of steel 7"? Thanks for doing the research as well phrank.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Wow! Seems to be exactly what Ed has in mind...nice looking blades.

    Thanks JimmyHAD!

    Measured a 4 of my 9/8's, and aside from some differences in the curl of the tang, normal vs. monkey tail, all of them were exactly the same. More to the comment on another thread regarding blade geometry, the blade on mine were 6" with the pivot to the end of the tang being 1". I actually thought there might be more variance, but they were all spot on.

    Hope this helps, I think JimmyHAD's hit as close to the mark as your going to get...the one that someone mentioned may have been a wedge ground down further seemed to be exactly the image you were describing Ed?
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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