Quote Originally Posted by kd5tmu View Post
It's her parents' house. I am their permanent house guest. Don't worry, I have the counter pretty well full of bowls and razors. I can always show her Don's Den if she thinks it's too much. Either way, when she's home, donning a robe and opening the door generally makes her stand there and stare at me with those deep, dark, gorgeous eyes, and leads to some nice kissing afterwards.

I'll take the kissing when I can get it (which isn't as often as I'd like). Once we're married and living in my house (I move in there in August), then I can shave commando with the door open.

I wish I had that luxury. Without my glasses, I can't even tell you who's hanging on the crucifix around my neck.

BTW-do the following things disqualify me as a commando?
ID bracelet, ring, crucifix necklace
They are 3 items of jewelery that I never remove, not even in the shower.

Sounds very good permanant house guest do you have to pay rent?? LOL
You get a deferment until August

Hey I also wear a crucifix and wedding ring that I don't take off either so unless you have it hanging so low as to cover your -- never mind jewlery is OK