I shaved with a straight for the first time yesterday. I normaly shave with an electric razor everyday. If I am working, I have to shave twice a day. I normaly get a 5 o'clock shadow in about 4 hours. after shaving with the straight, I didnt really need to shave today, but I did. My skin felt really sensitive. I know that it takes a few weeks or so for your skin to adjust. How often do you guys shave after your skin is adjusted? I know that this all depends on how fast your hair grows. Im just wondering if your face gets to the point where it can tolerate being shaved everyday. I think I am going to give my skin a couple of days to recouperate. After what I consider to be two pretty succesful attempts, Im a bit raw. I am going to try to keep my face loaded up with moisturizer.
Just curious about how often your faces can take it...