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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have been shaving for two years now with a str8 and I shave every day with no problem. I do find that if I skip a day when I shave the shave is actually easier and closer.

  2. #12
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I envy you guys. I can't wait to have my first shave. I'm sure it'll be like being a teenager again and I won't have to shave for two or three days after i get it down.


  3. #13
    Senior Member Dr_Phong's Avatar
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    I have been shaving for about three months now. I started with twice a week and am now up to about four times a week.

    I wanted to start every day right off the bat. Unfortunately there is a big learining curve. I got my razor from Lynn and it was shave ready sharp. It's taken a few months just to get the hang of stropping so that I have a really sharp razor most of the time. Then there is the whole angle of blade to skin skill. ANd then getting a feel for how much to press the blade to my skin. Sometimes I had to stop for a week because of some nasty cuts. This week I have had three really consistent shaves.

    The best advice I have read here is: Don't get in a hurry. A few bad experiences could make it so that it is not a pleasurable routine. The other thing that helped me the most was watching the Clip of Lynn shaving. It's in the download area. The last hting is I never shave if I have less than a half hour of time to devote to the straight.

    Dr. Phong

  4. #14
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    just wait till your first shave You are lucky to shave with a David-ready razor.

    My first shave was with brandnew stainless steel blade directly from the box, i dont think i even stropped it That was a shave to remember, my hand was shaking so much, and when i finally moved it close enough to my face, it felt like i am shaving a steel brush. Anyways, i was determined not to give up, and i finished the shave. Oh, boy, did i had the mother-of-all-skinburns

    But, i have to admit now, my shaves are way better than my M3 expirience, and my skin actually feels GOOD after the shave. Go figure...

  5. #15
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    Default Every other day

    I shave every other day with the straight. If I really take my time at night, and enjoy a 3-pass shave, I can go almost three days. I find that every other day allows my beard, at least, to grow out just enough to see what I am doing, and gain enough purchase for the blade to cut nicely.

    And, since adding the pasted strops, my shave have gotten easier, and easier!

  6. #16
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I know what you mean I shaved Tuesday with a blade i used some green cromium paste I got with scary sharp system. I didn't have to shave Wed. I shaved this AM with a different one I used the paste on and I won't have to shave till Saturday. Wow a really sharp razor is super.

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