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Thread: how long on average does it take you to shave with a straightrazor?

  1. #21
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    most of you guys think i have little room to talk being that like the youngest member here but, i dont think its susposto be a timed event, its something that you just take your time and enjoy the whole experiance. i know it only takes me a few mins but id rather take a few mins vs 30 sec with a cartridge razor becuase you can be proud of a shave well done with a straightr razor that you take care of and hone and strop yourself.instead of a throwayay that thakes have the time and you cant be proud of that shave.
    Otto, Mvcrash and Birnando like this.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    most of you guys think i have little room to talk being that like the youngest member here but, i dont think its susposto be a timed event, its something that you just take your time and enjoy the whole experiance. i know it only takes me a few mins but id rather take a few mins vs 30 sec with a cartridge razor becuase you can be proud of a shave well done with a straightr razor that you take care of and hone and strop yourself.instead of a throwayay that thakes have the time and you cant be proud of that shave.
    I don't think anyone is thinking is must be a timed event but rather are curious as to how long it takes others and how we all are similiar and different in the process
    justalex likes this.

  3. #23
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    most of you guys think i have little room to talk being that like the youngest member here but, i dont think its susposto be a timed event, its something that you just take your time and enjoy the whole experiance. i know it only takes me a few mins but id rather take a few mins vs 30 sec with a cartridge razor becuase you can be proud of a shave well done with a straightr razor that you take care of and hone and strop yourself.instead of a throwayay that thakes have the time and you cant be proud of that shave.
    I, for one, don't give a damn about your age or weather or not you can grow a full beard. Personally, I think of you as another man out there who uses a straight razor and has every right to say his piece regarding the use of the same. We are all equals here.

    It isn't a timed event, and should not need to be. Though I have timed myself occassionally, out of curiousity, as I've progressed. I know how fast I can do it if pushed, but I also know I would rather take a leisurely approach to it to enjoy the process.


  4. #24
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    About 7 minutes. Lately it's been happening either in a gym locker room or in the kitchen at a sink without a mirror. We're in an apartment now and my wife gets the one bathroom! My strops are hanging from a wire shelf in the kitchen and my shaving supplies are a high reach up on the top of a cabinet.

  5. #25
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    I'd say that during the weekday I'm about 10 minutes plus a bit of cleanup. On the weekends, I average about 25 to 30; Scuttle, two passes, hot towel at the end before a little splash of cold water.

  6. #26
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    hello, I'm gonna jump right in here and say it takes 5 min after a shower, unless I've neglected my blade a bit and have to do extra touch up strokes

  7. #27
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    For me, from the time I drop my drawers for a shower till I walk out of the bathroom, I'd say 40-45 minutes. I do shave at night (or anytime during the weekend), so I'm not particularly pressed for time.

  8. #28
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    10ish minutes for a half decent, two pass, cold water shave. When I've realised that I have an important meeting and I'm running a bit behind I can make myself look presentable in 5 minutes going cold water and face lathering with a cream (I prefer Proraso when I'm in a hurry because the menthol soothes the skin if I'm rough with myself). A few times a month I'll spil myself when the wife and kids are out in the evening and take a long hot shower, make some amazing hot/warm (uber)lather, and give myself 3-4 passes and feel like a champ. When I do that it takes forever. But not nearly long enough. They always come home too soon after.

  9. #29
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorrandy View Post
    I don't think anyone is thinking is must be a timed event but rather are curious as to how long it takes others and how we all are similiar and different in the process
    If your using a straight razor you're already more manly than most of the men out there. My friend had thick stubble at 15, when you need to shave you need to shave. Better to start with a str8 than a vibrating cerberus shaver!
    MickR likes this.

  10. #30
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    From shower to finished shave takes about 30 minutes. I don't shave unless I've had a shower.
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