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Thread: Evening Shave Convert

  1. #1
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Default Evening Shave Convert

    I thought I was a staunch morning shaver that would never embrace the evening shave. That was before I took a new job with my company that makes me get up at 4:00am and drive 1 1/2 hours each way. I started shaving in the evening about two weeks ago, and I have to say that I am a convert. I now look forward to that evening shave to close my day as much as I still look forward to the morning shaves when I can go in to work a bit later.

    If I have a big presentation or a meeting with company leadership, I will still shave in the morning just so I have the best shave for the day. But I am sitting here right now at 6:39 am with a shave I did last night at 9:00pm and it is still a DFS. So once again I say three cheers for keeping an open mind and trying what people post here. You just may find something that works better than what you were doing.

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  3. #2
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    For most it's likely out of necessity rather than preference. I get up early for work and am not a morning person, so morning shaves aren't high on my list of priorities. I also have a job that doesn't require me to be shaven every day. Afterwork can be a rush as well, with getting the kids fed, homework completed and off to bed, it makes an evening shave something to look forward to. Definitely an end of the day bonus
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  4. #3
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    I tried an evening/night shave a couple times. Actually it was showering and shaving before going to bed, it actually kept me awake. I couldn't sleep with the scent of the shaving cream lingering in my nose. By the way, the next morning, I took another shower.

    If evening or night shaves works for other folks, go for it, but unfortuately, it did work out too well for me. You never know until you try something to see what works.

    All the best!

  5. #4
    Senior Member Str8nSharp's Avatar
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    I get along well with either, but I like morning shaves slightly better.

  6. #5
    Poor Fit
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    I love the evening shave. Saves me from having to rush in the morning and with a straight and my growth speed I'm still BBS in the morning.
    Another added bonus is SWMBO loves me coming to bed all
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  7. #6
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    With kids to get ready for school and daycare in the morning I would have to get up almost before I go to bed to get some piece and quiet for my shaving
    When the kids are in bed I get my alone time in the bathroom while my wife is on the phone with someone, I occasionally shave in the morning in the weekends, depending on what we're doing that day, but on weekdays I always shave in the evening. I have a rather stressfull job, so it kind of gets me down to earth again after a days work.
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  8. #7
    lz6 is offline
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    Finally retired I can take all the time I please to enjoy a shower and shave in the early evening, usually just before dinner.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    I like an evening shave very much also. I like going to work looking my best, but sometimes the nightcap shave feels better. I'm a Sunday evening shaver before I go out for drinks. And a workday morning shaver the rest of the week.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Personally I like to shower before I go to bed, and shaving at night I find that I take my time doing a better job and when I wake up I find there is really there is nothing to shave. Also I have read that your whiskers to not grow as quickly when you are asleep, I don't know that this is fact but he is what I have heard our science show.

  11. #10
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Well here I thought that I was alone in shaving at night!

    I work for a company that these days messes with my schedule each and every week! In that I mean that one day I may have to be at work at 7am the next day at 3pm, it's a real hassle!!

    I shave at night regardless of when I work! I have some hand shaking (it's been there for years) and it subsides later in the day.

    With a careful double pass my shaves can last up to and over 24 hours and still meet managements approval.

    GOD bless thy straight razor, may it always be kept Honed, Stropped and Sharp!
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