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Thread: Why I stopped shaving, and why you might want to as well

  1. #1
    Junior Member StillHand's Avatar
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    Default Why I stopped shaving, and why you might want to as well

    I'll preface this by saying that I've only been shaving with a gorgeous little olivewood dovo for about three months. I've had a lot of fun playing with the variables- soaps, creams, aftershaves, oils, glycerin. But the one variable that is guarunteeing me a shave as smooth as polished Appalachian granite is-

    Not shaving.

    That's right. Skipping a day, two, or even three. Letting them whiskers grow, the skin regenerate. Letting SWMBO complain a little about the scratchiness. And after a day or two of growth, stropping that bad boy up and letting her slice through that beard like the Rebs did at Bull Run. Not the be all and end all of shaving improvements, and some of us have to shave every day (having to do something seems to take the fun out of it), but for those other newbs looking for something to give them a little extra kick of confidence, give it a day or two of rest.

    Come back refreshed, and ready to get it done right. You've got the rest of your life to master it, after all, however long that may be. May you shave long enough to be able to stop.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    I agree with you. I always seem to get my closest, smoothest shaves when i shave two or more days growth. It seems that the stubble stands up better and is easier to cut. Plus it's just flat out more fun to shave off heavy growth.

  4. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Aye me three.

    I love taking a day or two away then taking out a serious edge
    Str8Shooter and xuz like this.

  5. #4
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    "How about Sherman through Georgia?"
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  6. #5
    Junior Member StillHand's Avatar
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    Around my dinner table, we don't talk about Sherman's travels through Georgia, unless it's referring to how tasty Yankee deserters were when the venison ran low.

  7. #6
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    +1 on the day or three off between shaves. I find that I enjoy shaving much more with a break in the action. Lately, I've been going as long as a week and making an "event" of my shave. Besides, SWMBO (oddly) likes to watch my shave routine (maybe she's waiting for the claret to flow), but the payoff is fantastic!

  8. #7
    Senior Member thuktunflishithy's Avatar
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    I haven't shaved since Saturday morning. Can't wait to shave it off. I know it'll be a good one.

  9. #8
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    Absolutely agree. My best, smooth-as-glass shaves are always after taking a few days off from shaving. Theseus is correct, the longer whiskers allow more "catch" for the razor, which ensures more even coverage during a shave (less chance of the blade gliding over the odd whisker without being cut). I also agree that HAVING to shave everyday could be a bit of a drag, it's certainly better if you can go by your own schedule rather than having it dictated to you. I guess it's a luxury not all of us are afforded.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Do you wait 3 days to Brush your Teeth; do you wait 3 days to wash or shower; do you wait 3 days to comb your hair; etc; etc; ???? So why wait 3 days to shave?? I don't understand.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    Do you wait 3 days to Brush your Teeth; do you wait 3 days to wash or shower; do you wait 3 days to comb your hair; etc; etc; ???? So why wait 3 days to shave?? I don't understand.
    We described why above. Besides, skipping a day with those other activites doesn't change the overall outcome. Your teeth don't become cleaner if you skip a day brushing your teeth, nor do you become cleaner if you skip showering. Although I admit that the first shower after camping is quite satisfying

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