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Thread: Antique store steal IMO

  1. #11
    Senior Member Silents's Avatar
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    Very nice haul! I went bargain shopping the other day andthe places I visited wanted a liver and kidney for junk. The best LOOKING piece I saw was a Krieger straight that was only a bit rusty. The proprietor wanted $350, because he claimed it was from a dead confederate soldier from the Civil War. Another place had a good looking Weishi DE that they wanted $125. I wonder if these places have ever heard of the Internet?

  2. #12
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    More of a coin shop he didn't even care about the razors plus the dozen vintage brushes I left as well . I must have been in shock as well. Tomorrow is a new day I can go back. But ill be up late tonight with the metal polish sand paper and dremel.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroCool View Post
    I'm guessing this shop owner hasn't heard of the interweb, let alone ebay lol.

    Great score!
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  3. #13
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    There are three other antique stores within 3 blocks of the store I was in their prices are all higher, the DD brush handle would have been $25 and the razors at least $20 as they were all in good condition. I just didn't know if it was worth it to replace knots with old handles. I'm more then happy to buy for others except things with green I keep a DD or c-Mon as the one I have is altered but I still love. All this and I haven't completed a shave with a straight yet. But I have Lots to choose from.
    Quote Originally Posted by Silents View Post
    Very nice haul! I went bargain shopping the other day andthe places I visited wanted a liver and kidney for junk. The best LOOKING piece I saw was a Krieger straight that was only a bit rusty. The proprietor wanted $350, because he claimed it was from a dead confederate soldier from the Civil War. Another place had a good looking Weishi DE that they wanted $125. I wonder if these places have ever heard of the Internet?

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Really you don't have to get anything for me.. You scored big and I just wanted to let you know. I have put a new knot on a duck brush and I use it everyday. I have 6 others and I am thinking it would be better to put new heads on them also (with the exception of 2). I mean collecting is one thing but using something and enjoying it is better. It will still be around when I'm gone and hope the next guys does the same thing. Of course my line would be something NOS. Then leave it alone and display it.
    engine46 likes this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silents View Post
    Very nice haul! I went bargain shopping the other day andthe places I visited wanted a liver and kidney for junk. The best LOOKING piece I saw was a Krieger straight that was only a bit rusty. The proprietor wanted $350, because he claimed it was from a dead confederate soldier from the Civil War. Another place had a good looking Weishi DE that they wanted $125. I wonder if these places have ever heard of the Internet?

    I went into a store when a guy was pricing his stuff. He had a kid online looking at what they were going for on e-bay. Didn't matter about condition LOL. Example.. He wanted 200 for a little table that had butcher block LOOKING top. I said really? He says " yep that stuff is worth a lot for some reason." I told him he was a collector not a seller and walked out. :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

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  7. #16
    Some kind of Zombie BigJim's Avatar
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    You dun good!

    I got one score like that a couple years ago, but everything since then has gone collector pricing. $30 per blade around here, regardless of scale condition.

    There's just one problem. You smiled too big when that guy threw out $30, and if you go back tomorrow prices will surely have doubled! HA Ha!

    EAGLESKADU likes this.

  8. #17
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Ooh, nice score!
    EAGLESKADU likes this.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  9. #18
    Senior Member Mike1969's Avatar
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    Very nice score!! That DD brush handle by itself is probably worth what you paid for the whole lot!!
    EAGLESKADU likes this.

  10. #19
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    What's the best way to clean out the inside of the brush? It's in great condition don't want to ruin it, I'd probably go wild with the dremmel. Anyone able to assist is be grateful. I plan to use them all, display them and put all in rotation or if I don't love them trade. I'm in it for the long haul I love every bit of it, not to mention this site is amazing, but mainly for the people on it.

  11. #20
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    Has anyone heard of M.F. & Co Sweden razors? Or any of the others?

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