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Thread: Inappropriate comments

  1. #61
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Unit in math is one thing. Where I worked it was a police car, on the streets it was a body part. What if I found your screen name "Objectionable"? What then?

    Along the slide we go.
    I am not sure what you mean here. There have certainly been some that have questioned my screen name, but it has never been lodged as objectionable. Regardless, if I attended a site that found it to be so, I would leave quietly....for anyone unwilling to listen to my explanation, or unable to decipher my intentions, is no one I want to consort with.

    So to answer your question, "what then?"...well, I just did. I think we agree that censorship is not good....however, I am not one to stand by and watch someone hide behind this concept as a way to protect their counter culture ways.

    And, No, I do not want or expect a bunch of like minded yes men/woemen to take over this side and have a back patting contest where everyone falls all over each other trying to be the first to agree with everyone else, but I sure would not want to tolerate some of the trolling nonsense I have seen on some other forums (I will spare us all the examples).

    I am happy to say in my short tenure here, I have experienced only "professional" and "gentlemanly" disagreements. Agreeing to disagree, or opening one's mind to deeper consideration and discovery of different views (and possible admission of erroneous thinking) are what I have seen.

    I guess I have missed out on some of the trash behavior...but we should all be proud that there seems to be quite little of it blowing around this site


  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    I am not sure what you mean here. There have certainly been some that have questioned my screen name, but it has never been lodged as objectionable.
    I'm reasonably sure that the member was not objecting personally to your screen name, just pointing out that fact that what you might consider unobjectionable might be considered objectionable to others. Who is to decide? The answer is, ultimately, the mods and administrators of SRP.

    If a mod or member finds something that could be considered inappropriate we will discuss it as a commitee and we will be the ones to determine the appropriate response. But we also rely on the general membership to report abuses as well, since we can't be everywhere at the same time .
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  3. #63
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I am reasonably certain also. I just did not understand which side of the fence he was coming from.

    FWIW, I think the system here works....I guess that is what I should have said from the start (there is a lot more brevity there)

  4. #64
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    The standards come from a group of mods trying their very best at applying the rules on this site.
    We are a diverse group, and some of our discussions on certain topics can get lenghty
    Yes, but the rules don't inform well enough for them to be clear. But I do get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    Sensorship is indeed a slippery slope, but I have a hard time seeing that what we are discussing falls under that term.
    A set of rules on a privately owned net-forum is not sencorship.
    I would call that responsible ownership more than anything.
    Rules surround us in all parts of our life.
    Wether implied or expressed.

    Here is the most slippery slope:"A set of rules on a privately owned net-forum is not Censorship" If this is true, then you cannot use the "Publisher's rule" to insulate you from law suits for stuff posted on your website. Once you become the censor, you are no longer publishing which creates larger legal problems. You cannot have it both ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    Then again, how would you know not to read a certain post due to undesirable content before you have actually read it?

    Yes, it does
    Are we that sensitive that you have to be forewarned that there may be content you find objectionable?

    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    I am not sure what you mean here.


    I was giving an example of just the word "Unit." It was an attempt at making a point and humor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I'm reasonably sure that the member was not objecting personally to your screen name, just pointing out that fact that what you might consider unobjectionable might be considered objectionable to others. Who is to decide? The answer is, ultimately, the mods and administrators of SRP.

    If a mod or member finds something that could be considered inappropriate we will discuss it as a commitee and we will be the ones to determine the appropriate response. But we also rely on the general membership to report abuses as well, since we can't be everywhere at the same time .
    Exactly....thank you!! Another point is that if the Mods have to discuss it, how bad can it actually be? And just so you know, I was a Mod on a very large website for many years. I fully understand how difficult it is to manage an international website.

    I appreciate the great job the Mods on this site are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    I am reasonably certain also. I just did not understand which side of the fence he was coming from.

    FWIW, I think the system here works....I guess that is what I should have said from the start (there is a lot more brevity there)
    I sit on the fence.
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    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
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  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Another point is that if the Mods have to discuss it, how bad can it actually be?
    Thanks for the kind words. TBH we have a good group of guys (and ladies) here, so in reality it's not like we are constantly fighting off posts with horrible manners, but sometimes it happens. If it's something borderline it goes to the mod forum and the decision is based on majority opinion. However, if a post is clearly pushing the limits of site decorum, or outright crossing the line of decency, a mod will act unilaterally and deal with it as need be. To be fair, that doesn't happen very often (the majority of cases being spammers), but sometimes a situation calls for it.

  6. #66
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    I sit on the fence.
    I can appreciate that...and it is one (of many) reason that I do not have my hand raised to be a moderator (I do not want to make the rules...or the calls regarding when/how to enforce them). I moderated a small blog site a few years was small so it was not too bad, but it gave me a HUGE respect for people that moderate places like this.

    There is very little black and white. Rules and laws are digital (i.e. 1 or 0, "on" or "off"), but people are analog (i.e. the spectrum of grays between black and white) this regard, laws will always require interpretation to apply them as intended, and laws will need to be left vague enough to allow for interpretation to be effective over time. If you think about is pretty scary, but relying on everyone to use taste, and decency is folly.
    Last edited by unit; 12-30-2012 at 09:47 PM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Yes, but the rules don't inform well enough for them to be clear. But I do get it.
    The rules on this site, to me, is pretty clear to be honest.
    Spelling it out even more would make for very boring reading, and it would be quite hard to cover all bases.
    Well, that is my personal opinion on that anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Here is the most slippery slope:"A set of rules on a privately owned net-forum is not Censorship" If this is true, then you cannot use the "Publisher's rule" to insulate you from law suits for stuff posted on your website. Once you become the censor, you are no longer publishing which creates larger legal problems. You cannot have it both ways.
    I think you are arguing anarchy here, and I feel pretty sure this site wouldn't be the better for it.
    Having a set of rules, and a team that works to uphold them is far from censorship.
    A mod on this site is a parttaker of the debates and discussions.
    That gives us the opportunity to actually steer discussions away from going south in a hurry, and also be there to guide our users as to our praticing of the set rules.
    This, imho, is what gives us all the opportunity to share this hobby, and discuss all other things, on this great site.
    It is also what differentiates mods from censors.

    In short; if I for a second felt my role here was that of a censor, and not a mod, then I would leave this place in a hurry.
    The only way for me to leave even faster, would be if it turned in to your average hate/flame/circular argument site that the net is drowning in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Are we that sensitive that you have to be forewarned that there may be content you find objectionable?
    I think people can take quite a bit
    But you argued that one should read only what one wants.
    This is one of the areas where the differences in culture shows the most on an international forum such as this.
    And as such, can be quite hard to moderate.

    As you know, I'm from a different culture than the majority on here, and I often find myself wondering about the sensitivity of some posts we do get reported to the mods.
    It is not hard to adapt to what the Admins and owners of this site wants though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post

    Another point is that if the Mods have to discuss it, how bad can it actually be? And just so you know, I was a Mod on a very large website for many years. I fully understand how difficult it is to manage an international website.

    We discuss the borderline cases because we are not censors, we are members here, and we do make mistakes.
    To ensure that not someone with a bad day makes bad calls, a consencus between the mods at hand adds to ensure that our decisions are in fact somewhat sane
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  8. #68
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I don't buy into that notion! I really don't. I have taken social anthropology classes, lived in a few places, and ultimately have come to the conclusion that being a man in a gentlemanly manor is pretty much a universal condition. Morals aside, and how people communicate face to face may be different - but no so much when it comes to typing...

    Though I have to admit some cultures are more direct than others - it doesn't mean they are necessarily more Juvenal or prone to being aggressive or "potty mouthed" lol .



  9. #69
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    ...being a man in a gentlemanly manor...
    I just want to know what a 'gentlemanly manor' is. I think it's a large house in the country filled with billiard rooms, scotch and cigars that is pleasant, polite and opens its doors to its visitors itself but I'm not sure...

    Actually, to be serious, I think society in general is getting a bit precious about some things. I heard a conversation on the radio the other day about all this and one guest was saying that it's perfectly OK to upset people; and I agree. I don't think we should all burst in to tears just because we had our tiny little feelings hurt. Some people need to harden the f up.

    Having said that, I also think it's quite OK to say "Excuse me, but I take offence to that [word, statement, etc]" and have the other person respect that. It's quite simple. I'd be perfectly OK with some one posting a "Carl, I think you crossed the line there, can you delete that please?"

    It actually only took me a week or so when I joined to be 'told off'. I had likened my old boar brush to a 'lady of the night' in the rain; with bedraggled hair. I didn't use the term 'lady of the night' but another word; quite an acceptable word, not a swear word at all. I felt that was a bit precious at the time and still do, but I accept the moderators decision.

    It's interesting this thread is getting so many posts. I'm going to keep watching it, as I can't WAIT until it gets closed when someone makes an inappropriate comment
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  11. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post

    Yes, it's got to be said. We Australians are juvenile, aggressive and potty mouthed. But you know you love us.
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