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Thread: The Obie Memorial First Tier Soaps and Creams Thread.

  1. #431
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlucassr View Post
    Gentlemen, where can one obtain this little piece of heaven, I am very curious.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    Finally, finally came back in stock at Fendrihan in Canada, ordered online of course.....
    sharptonn and MikeB52 like this.

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  3. #432
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Finally, finally came back in stock at Fendrihan in Canada, ordered online of course.....
    Darn your eloquent descriptions Andrew.
    Order pending. SWMBO must never know...
    dinnermint and jmercer like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to MikeB52 For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-17-2016)

  5. #433
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    Great thread. It has been inspirational in trying various shaving soaps & creams and having a little clue of what I was getting into. Thanks.

    Before I found this thread I beat myself to death and learned to lather Williams and make others work. Some Ok and others meh and nice smelling disappointments. After trying a couple first & second tier soaps from here why bother with the noted under performers.

    Wife and I are not into the scents so I don't have all the flavors and go for unscented where I can. I like the natural smells the unscented have.

    The first tier soaps have been the most enjoyable with MDC the first opening my eyes. The Le Pere Lucien was an unexpected delight. This is what I've ended up with as to soap rotations. The Klar's came today and the test lathering as quick and easy and on and on. I will shave with it tomorrow.

    Name:  soap1.jpg
Views: 408
Size:  62.9 KB

    Some of the better creams are next to try and develop a cream rotation.
    Shave the Lather...

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to jmercer For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-22-2016)

  7. #434
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I like your product lineup. This is good stuff. The Klar Seifen soap is one of my favorites. Of course, Le Pere Lucien is exceptional.
    jmercer likes this.

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    jmercer (05-24-2016)

  9. #435
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    I must say that is a really neat system for organizing your soaps. Mine are just in a pile in the corner of my counter....
    jmercer likes this.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dinnermint For This Useful Post:

    jmercer (05-24-2016), Obie (05-24-2016)

  11. #436
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    I must say that is a really neat system for organizing your soaps. Mine are just in a pile in the corner of my counter....

    Wish I could say the same for the rest of my creams/pre/post shave goodies.

    Below is where the piles are. Har!

    Going to rearrange the deckchairs for the shave cream rotation build. wink! wink!!

    I'm fortunate to have a shave den/half bath all to myself. 28" x 62" inches of bliss...

    Name:  soap2.jpg
Views: 350
Size:  42.5 KB

    Wife likes the shave den over the old 'Man Can' below.

    Name:  mancan1 (2).jpg
Views: 351
Size:  44.4 KB
    Shave the Lather...

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to jmercer For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-24-2016)

  13. #437
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    Thanks for the great info, as a newby, getting someones informed opinion with their experience of the vast amount of different shave creams,can help me on my next purchase.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post

    Through the years, I have experienced a vast collection of soaps and creams. And brushes. I think I prefer lathering to shaving, really. My soaps and cream are categorized in tiers: first tier, second tier, and the basement. My rating of these soaps and creams is gauged by five elements: richness of lather, cushion, glide, fragrance, and aftershave feel. Yes, price is important, too, but I am more concerned about quality. Since I have spent a fortune on traditional shaving, a few more shekels aren't going to hurt.

    The following are my tiered products — obviously of the ones I have used. Please realize that this rating is only my opinion. You may have yours. I have avoided claiming one particular soap or cream as the greatest, or the eighth wonder of the world, for after all, each product stands on its own. I love many soaps just as much as I do Martin de Candre. I have taken the liberty of not mentioning some new, and I feel hyped, soaps and creams I don't particularly care for — why bother?

    First Tier, in no particular order, products still available, and names off the top of my head:

    Martin de Candre soap, Castle Forbes cream, Xpec cream, Le Pere Lucien soap, Czech & Speak's Oxford & Cambridge soap, Esbjerg cream, Baum.Be. cream, D.R. Harris soaps, Alvarez Gomez cream, Penhaligon's cream, Klar Seifen soap, Green Mountain soap.

    Second Tier, in no particular order:

    Mitchell's Wool Fat soap, I Coloniali soap, Provence Sante soap, La Cigale soap, Saponificio Varesino soap, Taylor of Old Bond Street creams, Trumper creams, Harris creams, Santa Maria Novella cream, Lea soap, Tabac soap, Barrister & Mann soaps, Rose of Bulgaria cream, Truefitt & Hill creams, La Savonnerie du bon Berger soap, Portos Cale soap, the Art of Shaving lavender and sandalwood creams, the Art of Shaving soap (old formula), Valobra soap, Savonnerie du Moulin soap, Mama Bear soap, Antica Barbieria Cola soap, Floris soap, L'Occitane Cade soap, Plisson soap, Simpson Cream, Institute Karite soap, SRD soaps, La Toja Manantiales soap, St. James of London cream, Acqua di Parma cream, eShave soap, Mondial.

    Third Tier, in no particular order:

    Cella cream, Proraso, Stirling, Razo Rock, Catie's Bubble, Mike's Natural soaps, Die Vergulde Hand, Tabula Rasa (this is really weird stuff), Boellis Panama 1924, Lorenzo Villerosi, Mystic Waters, Bath House Spanish Fig Soap, Scottish Fine Soaps, Arko soap. Dr. Dittmar soap, Coats soap, Hasslinter soap, Cyril Salter cream, Savon du Barber soap, Musgo Real cream, Erasmic soap, Speick cream, Gold Dachs soap, Palmolive cream, Muhle soap, Edwin Jagger soap, J.M. Frazer's cream, Savon du Midi cream, Shave Revolution, Fume, Crabtree & Evelyn sandalwood, Meisner Tremonia soap.

    Basement, in no particular . . . whatever:

    Van Der Hagen soap, Williams soap, Institute Karite cream, Geo F Trumper soaps, Colonel Conk soap, Casswell-Massey soap.
    When in doubt press the RED button

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Dunkin78 For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-26-2016)

  15. #438
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Going to give this soap a spin.

    Normally I don't trust local new artisan soaps, been disappointed too many times, but thought I'd try a Canadian soap, handmade, all-natural shaving soap made by Groom, this is made from shea and cocoa butter, Clary sage, white pine and vetiver, and made in Montreal, Canada...looking forward to giving it a try:

    Name:  fiche-grooom-fr-1459449834.jpg
Views: 316
Size:  23.4 KB

    edited to add:

    Well first try with this soap and it is very nice, the scent incredible, and the lather was wonderful - all the great factors that make a great soap. If it continues to perform like this - will easily stay in my rotation.

    Tried face lathering the last few shaves, sorry, was trying this soap, and soap requires a warm scuttle to lather properly, just my opinion, not having a warm lather, just doesn't work for me.

    So, like Le Pere Lucien, which started as the best thing I'd ever tried, and then fizzled out into a weak lathered, bubbly concoction, if this soap makes it threw another several uses, and doesn't punk out - it really will be a keeper.

    If it doesn't crash and burn, I'll expand on the review, but the Shea butter, clary sage, pine and vetiver, wow - did a 4 pass shave I was enjoying this soap so much.

    Think I also agree with Obie, I enjoy the lathering and preparing the lather almost as much as the shave itself....
    Last edited by Phrank; 05-27-2016 at 12:12 AM.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-26-2016)

  17. #439
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I was stunned to receive this letter in the mail today and since it concerns many of us I'll copy it below:

    Dear Sir:

    The FDA has been following your site for some time now especially this talk about soaps and creams and I must caution you and your associates you are in violation of several Federal Statutes which can result in severe criminal penalties.

    Pursuant to 21 CFR 710 and 720 having in your possession more than 10 such preparations whose point of origin is outside the U.S or whose ingredients derive themselves outside the U.S in part or in whole makes you amenable to prosecution. This member named "Obie" well, he is in the worst trouble since he is the enabler and obviously a trafficker.

    If you wish to avoid action against you and your associates you will have to register with this office as a commercial enterprise and obtain the necessary permits.

    I have taken the liberty of mailing you the forms which you can distribute to your members.

    You will have to fill out the 13 page application in octuplicate along with fingerprints and a letter from your local police official attesting to your good moral character and pass a drug test. You will also have to send transcripts from all educational institutions you have attended and a letter from your first grade teacher attesting to your trustworthiness. You will also need a health certificate from your local health department.

    Once all the materials are received by this office each member will be investigated and this intensive investigation will take 1 year. Each applicant will also have to remit a processing fee of the sum of one thousand dollars.

    We are also aware many of your associates are disposing of such materials illegally which is causing irreparable harm to our environment and this has been reported to the EPA and they will be contacting you under separate cover.

    Additionally we are aware many of you have large amounts of edged weapons classified as "Straight Razors" which might be in violation of the Federal Straight Razor Act of 1872. This will be reported to the Department of Homeland Security, Black Ops Division.

    Very truly
    Alfred Frankenstein
    Fourth Assistant Deputy Associate Sub Commissioner for Tonsorial Affairs.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  18. #440
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Is that pronounced Franken stine or Franken schteen?

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