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  1. #51
    Member Angeleyes's Avatar
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    If you have the money to invest (and I have mentioned this before in other threads) the Santa Maria Novella stuff is by far my favorite! I have used pretty much everything mentioned in this thread, and SMN takes the prize by far.

    You can check their stuff out at this link. They are wonderful Italian products which have been around forever!

    Lafco New York | Santa Maria Novella

  2. #52
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    I used the same shave soap for over a decade, and was perfectly happy until this forum ruined it for me and I started trying some of the ones that are more popular on here.

    At the moment, I'm tossed between TGQ and Dr. Harris.

    The TGQ is a little more slippery, and the Dr. Harris is a little creamier.

    I think that if Dr. Harris fit in my antique scuttle, it would be the winner. As is, it's a really tough call.

  3. #53
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    has anyone tried classic shaving's name brand pucks and cream? They seem like they would be decent, but no mention anywhere on this site that I can find.

  4. #54
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    If you are tempted you could try one and write a review
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  5. #55
    Senior Member norman931's Avatar
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    I've enjoyed using Honeybee Soap for over two years. It works great, and the scents are fantastic. Highly recommended!

  6. #56
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    I would put Castle Forbes at the top of the food chain. The Lime is the one I prefer.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  7. #57
    Member Angeleyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinp View Post
    has anyone tried classic shaving's name brand pucks and cream? They seem like they would be decent, but no mention anywhere on this site that I can find.
    I tried the lavender soap from Classic Shaving and was simply disappointed and threw it out after several shaves. I immediately switched to Tabac, which is a great soap in every way. Still though, the Santa Maria Novella cream is not only the creamiest I have used, but is also perfectly slick. It leaves your face feeling amazing. I suppose that is why most of my other soaps and creams are sitting on the back shelf--I do, however, like to use the Proraso cream on occasion and while traveling.

  8. #58
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    At the moment I'm using Wet Lizzie cream from our own Olivia as well as Highlander soap from TGQ. I alternate from day to day and try something new about once a week. In the recent past I've used and liked TGQs Oak Moss as well as TAOS unscented cream. As winter approaches I'll revert back to Mitchell's Wool Fat soap but will still try something else about once a week. It seems that I stick with one soap and one cream during summer and experiment quite a bit in winter.

    I've tried both Tabac and Leatherneck and thought they lathered well and smelled about right. Unfortunately my wife didn't share that enthusiasm about the scents so I only use them when I'm traveling for business. Regarding those two, if you're married (or place some weight upon your GF's sense of smell) and want to try out either Tabac or Leatherneck I'd suggest buying a sample size first. From what I've read and experienced with those two, women either love the scents or hate them - nothing between those extremes that I've seen. Someone should do a study!

    One thing I didn't read was the pre-shave oil or balm. I find that pre-shave stuff will sometimes have an effect upon the quality of lather as well as comfort of the shave. It can also intermingle scents so there's a bit to think about there as well. As for me, Castle Forbes pre-shave is my go-to one and I'll sometimes use TAOS pre-shave oil or Truefitt and Hill's pre-shave. If you're NOT using the TAOS oil you'll get a surprise if you get any of the others on your lips or mouth - strange effect - sort of alum like. I've also heard people say that straight extra virgin olive oil is a good pre-shave as well but haven't tried that yet, but if it works, it would be a MUCH less expensive alternative to the others.

  9. #59
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Angeleyes is that the Crema Da Barba you're writing about? I was wondering about their stuff and am thinking about that shave cream in particular.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angeleyes View Post
    Still though, the Santa Maria Novella cream is not only the creamiest I have used, but is also perfectly slick. It leaves your face feeling amazing.

  10. #60
    Senior Member medic484's Avatar
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    Im new to the straight razor, an apprentice i would say but im getting really smooth shaves from just washing my face with what ever soap my lady has, usally avena bodywash with some moisterizing properties or something not harsh and natural, then proraso shave cream in the green tube then finish up with witchhazel and thats it, infact if im in a hurry to shave i just wet my face with warm water leave on the proraso for a few minutes rinse, reaply and shave, now for me a quick shave is probly a half hour process, so to you all thats along time. as a newb I am focusing on technique cause without that the rest wont do anything except waste my money. I do want some TGQ though

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