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Thread: How do you decide?

  1. #51
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHSeifert View Post
    May I ask how you lost your sense of smell ?
    Sure, I confronted a punk who had attacked my child !3-14 at the time,he was 17-18. After losing my cool for a moment when he denied what he had done I squeezed his throat until I got the truth,and his eyes may have bulged a bit,but no matter, I called the cops and while waiting I was sucker punched with a piece of metal pipe on the eyebrow.,when they went to run I had my avatar on a quick release leash and warned them to stay put,and the cops came and promptly put the bracelets on the known trouble maker and begged me to press charges,which I did.
    The DA of Nassau County called me several weeks later and had decided to let him go as it was too much trouble to do there job, a few weeks later he made the paper as he was arrested for burglery. I should have thrown him through the pizza place window like I had wanted to.
    The upshot-I lost my sence of smell and our justice system failed again. But thank you for asking.

  2. #52
    Member normbal's Avatar
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    I'm REAL new at this, Lynn.

    You honed a pair of razors for me a month ago and I'm only using one of them so far.

    I started wet shaving - again - back in August, so I started using williams in a mug, like my Dad used to and I did back in the early 70s. Tried several soaps, creams, now I'm using sticks.
    I'll use something like Irish Moos for a week, tried Arko for a couple days (smells too weird for me), I'd LIKE to be using Tabac, but my wife hates it.

    That is really the deciding factor. If it lingers, and the wife hates it, I don't use it.

    If I can't get a decent cushion or my skin feels wrong, I don't use it (the Arko stick goes into "the box" the one I'm holding a LOT of DE blades and stuff in for when the SHTF and I'll break it
    all out bit by bit for trade/barter or I sell it on the classifieds when I hit 100 posts and 3 months).

    Right now I really like Irish Moos, but on the same shelf are a half dozen creams and soaps I'll rotate through on a whim.

    Thanks for asking.

    Merry Christmas.


  3. #53
    @SRP we do not work alone bonitomio's Avatar
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    only 68!
    I only have one............looking for my second

  4. #54
    @SRP we do not work alone bonitomio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    I survey the available creams, like a harem of women, and select the one that seems the most interesting.
    You donīt find the other "women" get jealous?

  5. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    i try to give some loving to a different one each week although i do not have as many soaps as you are suggesting, only for about ten years. Hahahaha!

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