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Thread: Unlocking the secret... modern Williams Mug soap exposed to awesome lather.

  1. #71
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenjamanBarker View Post
    Is this only for new Williams? Or vintage as well??
    Just for the modern, vintage almost lather up by itself

  2. #72
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I like Williams Mug Shave soap. I grind it up and use for a base to make my own soap. Adding a few ingredients, (aloe vera, glycerin, Cremo, and other soaps) you can turn it into a decent shaving soap with rich slick lather. However, by itself, you really have to work at it to get a decent lather. Leave all ingredients out in the South Texas sun in a metal bowl for about 4 hours and it all melts down and combines. Mix it real well and when it solidifies, it produces a creamy type soap that produces tons of lather with just a small amount of soap and water. Just a thought for those of you who don't want to spend a ton of money on soap that doesn't work.
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  3. #73
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I like Williams Mug Shave soap. I grind it up and use for a base to make my own soap. Adding a few ingredients, (aloe vera, glycerin, Cremo, and other soaps) you can turn it into a decent shaving soap with rich slick lather. However, by itself, you really have to work at it to get a decent lather. Leave all ingredients out in the South Texas sun in a metal bowl for about 4 hours and it all melts down and combines. Mix it real well and when it solidifies, it produces a creamy type soap that produces tons of lather with just a small amount of soap and water. Just a thought for those of you who don't want to spend a ton of money on soap that doesn't work.
    Yup, that is the trouble with modern Williams soap. You have to basically remake the soap to get an easy lathering soap that makes a nice slick lather. Adding Cremo is a real booster in performance. Me, I'll just take Arko if I want an excellent performing inexpensive shave soap and save all the extra work to get modern Williams to perform like it should out of the box.

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  4. #74
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    I just use WIlliams Mug soap as a shower soap bar.... it works great.

    As for shaving with Williams, I just use it like a shaving stick, rub it against the face, lots of water and I don't worry about making lather or using a brush. It works a treat for me, but it does run down my face, so this is not for shaving at the sink while dressed. In the shower, with a DE razor, it's perfectly fine. I would not suggest using a straight in the shower... too many things that could get lopped off if you slip and drop the razor, including severing a toe cleanly.


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  5. #75
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Yup, that is the trouble with modern Williams soap. You have to basically remake the soap to get an easy lathering soap that makes a nice slick lather. Adding Cremo is a real booster in performance. Me, I'll just take Arko if I want an excellent performing inexpensive shave soap and save all the extra work to get modern Williams to perform like it should out of the box.

    Arko is an excellent choice. It's actually the soap I combine with williams mug soap.
    Semper Fi !


  6. #76
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    That's the lather I get whit modern Williams using only water Name:  IMG_0158.jpg
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Size:  13.3 KBName:  IMG_0159.jpg
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    BobH and thp001 like this.

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