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Thread: Today's Workout Thread

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    A body scan seems like a great idea, I might see if I can get one done in Adelaide, we're a little backwards around here.

    I got my 23 YO son a 16k kettlebell for his birthday yesterday. I had a go at swinging it around and found it's quite difficult. Having looked at a video of some kettlebell exercises I'm thinking it'd be a good thing to try...

    Anyone use one?

    69 Kettlebell Exercises for a Better Body - YouTube
    You can't go into a crossfit gym without touching one of 'em. I like them for American swings, heavy Russian swings, and snatches. These exercises are wonderful for overall bulk as well as explosiveness. Good posture is key on all of them because it's easy to cheat. I've also found that it takes some doing to go heavy enough. Once you get the movement down, push, push, push!
    Let me know if you need any help with shaving, honing, etc.

  • #302
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    ...Carl, I will tell you now. You were the main kick in the pants I needed to get moving more. Thinking about what the Doc said didn't make me get up and move, it just put me in the pits of depression. Especially after doing what he said, "If you can't find time to exercise walk up and down the stairs for 20 minutes a day. Or walk around the clothes line." Good advice for the time poor, but mind numbingly boring exercise that was never really kept up. Seeing you live your life, doing your monkey boy routine, was the exercise clincher. The diet was entirely my own answer and has been in place a while. It's been, and is still, extremely strict. Not without it's rewards in weight loss and the occasional treat meals though.

    I guess in short mate, I'm saying thank-you for starting this thread and just being you.

    Hey Mick, seriously, that comment is probably going to be the best Christmas present I'll get; thanks very much. And I guess I gave you an early Christmas present too?
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  • #303
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    I went bouldering last night even though it was 41 degrees and the gym is a tin shed with no air conditioning.

    I did some under-hanging work and some traversing. It was stupidly hot so I lasted only and hour and a half.

    I went tonight, too, but it was closed "for my safety". On reflection, I think it was wise of them to close and keep idiots like em away, it was 42 today!

    Today I had breakfast with the guys at work which was bacon, eggs, fried tomatoes and baked beans. Food throughout the day (I'm starting to be 'the guy that eats all day guy' in the office) was two tins of sardines, 1 chicken patty, two bananas and a vegetable juice, plus three cups of herbal tea and two coffees.

    I haven't had a smoke in 11 days, so THAT stupid return to bad ways has been given its marching orders too...
    MickR and edhewitt like this.
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  • #304
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I went bouldering last night even though it was 41 degrees and the gym is a tin shed with no air conditioning.

    I did some under-hanging work and some traversing. It was stupidly hot so I lasted only and hour and a half.

    I went tonight, too, but it was closed "for my safety". On reflection, I think it was wise of them to close and keep idiots like em away, it was 42 today!

    Today I had breakfast with the guys at work which was bacon, eggs, fried tomatoes and baked beans. Food throughout the day (I'm starting to be 'the guy that eats all day guy' in the office) was two tins of sardines, 1 chicken patty, two bananas and a vegetable juice, plus three cups of herbal tea and two coffees.

    I haven't had a smoke in 11 days, so THAT stupid return to bad ways has been given its marching orders too...
    I suppose that at least if your hands had got sweaty you would only fall a short distance
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  • #305
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    And onto soft, cushiony mats at that. Nothing like hard, stony ground at all

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  • #306
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    Just have to say that eating a dozen hot wings, drinking three beers, and smoking a cigar before working out was not my smartest idea.
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  • #307
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Outdoor bouldering at Rocky Paddock campground yesterday and at The Pad today...

    Sent 'Fat Neck' at The Pad and 'Parallel Cracks' at Rocky Paddock.

    The Bachelor Pad

    Name:  Fat Neck at Main sector, The Bachelor Pad.jpg
Views: 172
Size:  70.3 KB

    Mount Crawford - Rocky - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground

    Name:  Parallel Cracks, Rocky Paddock.jpg
Views: 181
Size:  123.0 KB
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 12-23-2013 at 04:02 AM.
    MickR likes this.
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  • #308
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Outdoor bouldering at Rocky Paddock campground yesterday and at The Pad today...

    Sent 'Fat Neck' at The Pad and 'Parallel Cracks' at Rocky Paddock.

    The Bachelor Pad

    Name:  Fat Neck at Main sector, The Bachelor Pad.jpg
Views: 172
Size:  70.3 KB

    Mount Crawford - Rocky - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground

    Name:  Parallel Cracks, Rocky Paddock.jpg
Views: 181
Size:  123.0 KB
    Schneider goes wild.
    Good to see you getting out and about, all that indoorsness must have been making you look all pasty and pale, but obviously well muscled.
    So are you on christmas holidays? Have you got out on the camping trip you wanted to do after you had dine the Reno?
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  • #309
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Schneider goes wild.
    Good to see you getting out and about, all that indoorsness must have been making you look all pasty and pale, but obviously well muscled.
    So are you on christmas holidays? Have you got out on the camping trip you wanted to do after you had dine the Reno?
    Yeah, it's good to get outside, Ed!

    Yes, two weeks off work, but probably no camping.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  • #310
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Yeah, it's good to get outside, Ed!

    Yes, two weeks off work, but probably no camping.
    I have been quite enjoying the countryside in England, but mainly from the car as we are always off to somewhere, we were intending to go to stonehenge on Saturday, but the weather was atrocious, we also found out that it was winter solstice so it would have been pretty cool to have been there then, but all the "Druids" and a guy who calls himself King Arthur pendragon would have been blocking the roads up nearby I would imagine.
    It doesn't look like we will get back to stonehenge but we will go to see the westbury white horse or something similar before we leave.
    Mick is going to be jealous and cross now.

    Anyway with regards to exercise, I am definitely going to need to do some when I get back to australia, christmas seems to be consisting of cakes and chocolate etc already, and it's not even christmas yet.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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