Nothing like having heirloom tools! :tu If your Griffon hones up and shaves like mine, you'll have a nice shaver. Mine's sneaky though, it likes to bite! :w
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I bet the Griffon is a better blade than the Dovo:hmmm:
I'd say it's a Challenge!!!! A honing Challenge.
Attachment 233927
Attachment 233928
Pssst!! *Whisper* Notice the name......
Looks fun!!
One side, swooping x stroke
Other rolling x stroke.
Got one like that. Plus has a twist to it. Had to keep a loose grip on it, and let it flow across the stone. Weirdest feeling ever...but what a shaver it became.
Yeah. Reminds me of a Boker Johnathan once sent me for scales.
Was a pain to hone. Yours looks pretty straight for 3/4 of the spine. All you can do is give it a go!
I just use the side of my big beefy King 1k on these guys to set the bevel and then to a 1" coticule. I've done other warped blades in the past this way with great success. I know, I know... You can do it on a regular stone with the right technique but I find this much easier.
Would not hurt a thing to put 2 layers on and begin on the big 1k to see. It may be just fine!
Ok, I'll try it Tom, see how the initial bevel starts out.... I may bail and do it the way I'm use to though.