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Thread: The Butchered Blade

  1. #451
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    Dang!! sorry to hear that ya got hit, do you have any security cams? Set one up and bait the suckers in, get them recorded. Do you have many Tweekers in your area? I used to have bunches around on the mountain, now there is only one family left and they know better than to come to my area, they know the old Case backhoe runs good and I'm not afraid to use it.
    Been a weird week so far, 2 items on Ebay are either not showing up as a Razor I bought on the 24th was Just sent out today and a microscope was Bait and Switch on the meggapixels, 2 instead of 5, so, the economy is bringing out the Desperado's, disgusts me.

    Rant off.
    Dave, I live in a nice area so when it happened, I figured it was a couple of guys driving around in a pu truck to a nicer area & pick up whatever they could, probably crack heads. I'm sure it wound up at a pawn shop somewhere. The old drive wheels (self propelled) were worn out so I replaced them & put a new blade on it, then they ripped me off, on my b-day of all days! Happy Birthday MF!!!! I heard a woman down the street had her lawn mower stolen as well. That was a couple years ago. That is really the only thing that has happened the 7-8 years I have lived here. I once had some landscape rocks come up missing & the house down the street on the corner had someone drive up into their yard & crash into their rocks piled around a couple of tree's so I figured that guy came & took some from my yard because he had it fixed up right away. He was probably renting the house like I am & I just spaced the rocks out more & it has worked out that way. This area is pretty much crime free & the cops are on top of things here.
    Good luck on your surgery!

  2. #452
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Wow that was a bit of reading! A whole lot of good things happening..
    Mike those scales look great! I always did both sides of wedge until I had that "oh duh" moment and realized I could do one and fix the inside edge when fitting. Looking forward to seeing it with CA.
    Engine, that's really generous of you to offer him that blade! Sorry to hear that about the thefts..
    Illegitimi non carborundum !
    Tom that's a great blade to fix up, you are moving right ahead!
    I have been very busy so have done next to nothing. It is upsetting. This weekend will be busy too but I told my woman that Saturday and Sunday I'll be in the Batcave. No distractions!
    Will get those scales mostly done while waiting for anchor to get back.
    It's past bedtime, thanks for the good read and pics guys!
    Have a good night!
    MikeB52 and engine46 like this.
    “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
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  4. #453
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    Wow that was a bit of reading! A whole lot of good things happening..
    Mike those scales look great! I always did both sides of wedge until I had that "oh duh" moment and realized I could do one and fix the inside edge when fitting. Looking forward to seeing it with CA.
    Engine, that's really generous of you to offer him that blade! Sorry to hear that about the thefts..
    Illegitimi non carborundum !
    Tom that's a great blade to fix up, you are moving right ahead!
    I have been very busy so have done next to nothing. It is upsetting. This weekend will be busy too but I told my woman that Saturday and Sunday I'll be in the Batcave. No distractions!
    Will get those scales mostly done while waiting for anchor to get back.
    It's past bedtime, thanks for the good read and pics guys!
    Have a good night!
    Take care Mike!

  5. #454
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    Night Mike.

  6. #455
    FAL is offline
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    You guys sure have some sweet razors, Steve, I'm impressed Brother, you do some nice work and are generous as I am with others.
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  7. #456
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    You guys sure have some sweet razors, Steve, I'm impressed Brother, you do some nice work and are generous as I am with others.
    Thanks Dave!

  8. #457
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    You guys sure have some sweet razors, Steve, I'm impressed Brother, you do some nice work and are generous as I am with others.
    I can attest to that, Dave is indeed generous.
    Both of you guys are unusually generous! Makes for a good experience here just to even see.
    Well I'm up again, back pain. Can't ever sleep more than 3 or 4 hours. I'm glad that I haven't been hurt as bad as Dave though, serving over seas can be quite perilous!
    Well time for pain meds and anti-inflammatory.

  9. #458
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Now wait gust a gad dum minute.!!!
    Isn't that what this thread is about.
    Our tired, wore out and abused?
    Tom's right, it may become a 1/2" blade when done, but thats what this is about.
    The frown isn't that bad IMO, might have a little stabilizer removal to do also.
    But isn't that what were doing here, RIGHT!!
    Let's see what we can do with her first.
    It will be interesting.
    If not, I'll call your offer.
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  10. #459
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Ha ha ha.
    Or would you have me waste time on THIS.
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  11. #460
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    I agree Outback, You should go for it! To be prejudice against the little blades that dont seem big enough, seem not worth it to one guy but to another.. that blade holds value.
    When at a gunshow I did something mean. Didnt intend to but thats what happened and I had left a bad impression::: This young man just getting into SR shaving had a bag with his most prized worldly possessions in it.. An old blade (frowning, not big, no name), shave bowl (teak), shave brush (ugly but perfectly functional), and other random equipment including hones and strop.... This bag and its contents was his grandfathers. I looked at it and in just a passing moment of disregard and insensitivity I told him the blade was practically worthless and the brush had seen better times. His face Ill never forget. He was crushed. I truly wish that I had not said those things. Those items were obviously priceless to him. Then he vanished into the crowd. I felt terrible and prayed that Id see the young man again... never have.
    Its good to remember that we all have different ideas of what is of value, what is redeemable, and so forth.
    PLUS ... Mike is right.. It IS the tired worn out and abused thread right? Or is it just the "big beefy and worn out chopper thread"?
    Im glad you didnt give up on that one, because when I first saw it I thought not worth it, but just now I looked and Im thinking it will be a good one!
    Right on man!
    “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
    – Yoda

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