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  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirColorado View Post
    I guess I'm missing something here. If the seller stated it was a mistake and it sold for $300-something then why is he selling that same razor today? Did the actual winner back out? What am I missing here? Looks like the seller got hosed for the fees on a $1K sale that he couldn't collect on.
    The buyer and the second place guy probably got in touch with altima and backed out. He is relisting the razor for what he is hoping to get for it. He will notify ebay that the buyer backed out of the deal and altima will receive a credit for the final value fee on the 1k sale that wasn't.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  2. #32
    zib is offline
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    I can speak for Altima55, he does not practice, nor does he condone shill bidding. This whole thing was a mistake. The person who bid it up to 1000 dollars is unreachable, for whatever reason, The second bidder, accidentally added an extra zero in haste in the last few seconds of bidding. Bob, being the nice guy he is, he's retired, in his 70's living in TN, Cancelled the transaction and re listed it as Buy now. The other bidders high bid would have been 400 bucks. Not too awful for a mint DD Goldedge, no hone wear, all original..Don't think any less of Bob. His stuff is top notch and you won't be disappointed. However, if your bidding and you see the initials D__H. Just walk away my friend....Bob helped me to learn resto. He has sent me many practice blades to work on, stuff like that, We speak often, on the phone and email. I also follow his auctions, He doesn't always do that well, That was a fluke.
    Last edited by zib; 05-23-2009 at 06:50 PM.
    We have assumed control !

  3. #33
    Senior Member The0ctopus's Avatar
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    oh i knew for sure it was a mistake... i honestly thought someone was jsut gonna have to relist the ad, due to someone bidding and not paying.
    good to know it all got worked out

  4. #34
    Senior Member Pyment's Avatar
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  5. #35
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    The buyer has 0 feedback. I wonder if someone is playing games.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Pyment's Avatar
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    Holy Cow!

    That was still an open auction when I posted it.

    I think that was open about an hour.

    Every time I see that I think, "one more sucker got his Duck. One less to drive up the price."

    But they keep finding them.

  7. #37
    Senior Member The0ctopus's Avatar
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    whats so special about these? do they melt hair away like hot butter?

  8. #38
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    Default unreasonable bids and bidding wars

    Unless somoene truly thinks a razor is worth paying huge prices for because they are collectors and it is worth it to them, its better to just go spend the same amount or less on a brand new product and be assured of the quality of what you are getting.

    i do believe there is the 'newbie' effect in ebay as well...getting caught up in the game to where they plunk down far more than the razor is worth, or could ever be worth...

    I know so, been there done that...

    my opinion of a dubl duck, if it sold for $400 like the one post commenter said, that is far far more than that razor is worth, better to go get a brand new TI, or better yet, make a down payment on a hand made damascus steel razor that is new.... no dubl duck is worth $400!

  9. #39
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by radix7508 View Post
    my opinion of a dubl duck, if it sold for $400 like the one post commenter said, that is far far more than that razor is worth, better to go get a brand new TI, or better yet, make a down payment on a hand made damascus steel razor that is new.... no dubl duck is worth $400!

    Well obviously that one was, and the one about 8 months ago that went for over $500 and these are just GE's not even WE's or Reaper's that are even more sought after...

    I personally would most likely not plunk down hard earned coin on a new razor that tomorrow will for sure lose value after I hone it, when I can buy a vintage razor that tomorropw will probably be worth more, after I hone it.... Just a differenent way of thinking......
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-23-2009 at 10:53 PM.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by The0ctopus View Post
    whats so special about these? do they melt hair away like hot butter?
    Yes. BUT ... you must do the final stropping on $100 bills which have to be burnt after one use and sprinkled on the next bill you use as a polishing compound.

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