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Thread: Righty Tighty; Lefty Loosey

  1. #541
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I really do not mean offense, but may I ask the purpose of this thread? It seems to be nothing more than a personal log that does not contribute anything here in the Beginner's section.

  2. #542
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I really do not mean offense, but may I ask the purpose of this thread? It seems to be nothing more than a personal log that does not contribute anything here in the Beginner's section.
    I think it is a shave diary.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  3. #543
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I understand that, but I don't understand what purpose it serves for the forum.

  4. #544
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I understand that, but I don't understand what purpose it serves for the forum.
    Nor do i to be honest but it isnt doing any harm.
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  5. #545
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Hi utopian & ed

    No offense taken. I feel that the first 100 shaves (or so), should a beginner care to go over them, may give help, insight, or at least provide a glimpse into someone else's struggles. After, the first 100 shaves, I'm not so sure that it is useful. I mostly just continue out of entropy, and it is a handy way for me to track my shaves (for my own purposes). You're welcome to come along, or not.

    Thanks for your input guys.

    Shave #215 - Witch Hazel

    RazoRock XXX Shave Soap
    Semogue 2012
    DOVO Palisander 6/8" (10/7)
    Thayers Cucumber With Hazel
    Captain's Choice Bay Rum

    I order some herbs and stuff, and they had Thayers, so I ordered me a big bottle. I had a teensie bottle that I got in Canada at an exorbitant price. This is a giant bottle at a reasonable price. I like using witch hazel as a post shave toner, but my access has been pretty limited. Now that I've got a bottle I'll be making it part of the routine. I expect my mug to glow a watt or two brighter.

    Today's shave was reasonable. 2.5 passes has me at a solid DFS.
    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

  6. #546
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Shave #215.1 - Lazy Day Shave

    Holidays are awesome!

    QCS Shave Soap
    Semogue 2012
    Edwin Jagger DE89L + Feather (3)
    Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
    PAA CaD
    Gentlemen's Tonic AS Balm

    Hmmphf. Thought I had a brilliant shave, and then I feel a large chunk along the jawline on the right side of my face that I didn't get totally clean. I really can't imagine how I missed it, it's a big piece of territory to simply overlook on the ATG pass.

    Oh well, I'll catch it next time.
    dinnermint likes this.
    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

  7. #547
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Shave #215.2 - Anniversary Shave

    Heading out for an anniversary dinner with my wife. I needed a shave. I'd love to say I had a straight razor shave to rival the famous anniversary shave video on YouTube, but I was running around last minute trying to get anniversary type stuff ready, so I ended up with a pleasant, but quick post-shower shave.

    QCS Vostock Shave Soap + C&E West Indian Lime Shave Cream
    Semogue 2012
    Edwin Jagger DE89L + Feather (4)
    Captain's Choice Bay Rum
    Proraso Green Pre/Post Shave
    Galimard Double Zero Cologne (My wife's favorite, I think it smells a touch of dog poop)

    Nonetheless a very pleasant BBS, and I gotta run.
    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

  8. #548
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Shave #216 - Game of Thrones Shave

    My wife is out of the country, so today I'll be watching the latest season of Game of Thrones with a few glasses of port and cigars. But first...

    Synergy Lime Shave Soap
    Semogue 2013
    DOVO Palisander 6/8 (10/8)
    Captain's Choice Bay Rum
    Gentlemen's Tonic AS Balm

    A simple 2-passer leaving me DFS, maybe a bit below DFS on the neck, but I'm just laying around by myself all day and simply shaved so I wouldn't be itchy.
    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

  9. #549
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Shave #216.1 - Rushing to Meet a Friend

    QCS Vostok Shave Soap + C&E West Indian Lime Shave Cream
    TOBS Badger Brush
    Edwin Jagger DE89L + Feather (1)
    PAA CaD

    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

  10. #550
    Senior Member TaipeiJake's Avatar
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    Shave #217 - Post-Training Shave

    I'm planning to ride my bicycle around a significant chunk of Taiwan's coastline with a buddy this summer. We'll spend about 10 days riding, so in the mornings I usually get up early, to avoid the heat, and try to do 3-4 hours. (My bud's ridiculously athletic, so I'm a bit concerned for myself). So, today I shaved post-workout, which usually isn't a great idea as my skin can raw from the heat/sun, and I tend to sweat the lather off.

    Today went okay, however.

    QCS Vostok Shave Soap + C&E West Indian Lime Shave Cream
    Semogue 2012
    Geo Wostenholm & Son IXL 5/8" (8)
    Thayers Witchhazel
    PAA CaD

    I followed up with a splash (actually more than a splash) of Osage Rub on my hair and chest - very refreshing.

    I did my normal 2.5 pass. I'm about DFS+. It's been awhile since I shaved with my Geo. I had forgotten what a joy that Japanese natural stone edge is. Really lovely!
    hrfdez likes this.
    Tallow soap is good cholesterol

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