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Thread: HHT Levels?

  1. #41
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    How can it be of value, from what you are saying in your case it is pure waste of time. What you've told is us that as long as you "take a blade through the Naniwa SS 12K and on to the Gokumyo 20K" you always get a great shave.
    At this point you could apply the "turn the light on and off three times and see if the blade is still there" test and I bet you will have the exact same great shave.

    If I were you I'd start decreasing the number of strokes I currently do on those finishing hones until the HHT sometimes fails and sometimes doesn't, then I may have a useful test which saves me time, if the time it takes to do these extra strokes is less than the time it takes to get a hair and perform the test.

  2. #42
    ace is offline
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    I've tried the "turn the light on and off three times" test and haven't had much luck with it. The blade may have been sharp, but because the light was off I cut myself every time.
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  3. #43
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    May be you should consider trying to pass the TTLOAF-5 test then.

  4. #44
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    none of razors honed by me or anyone else have ever passed the HHT ... except for the hairs that hang off my handsome face , and in that case i rate my HHT as superb !!!

    but i also wondered what folks were talking about when they rate HHT 1 - whatever !!!

    i admit though that not to long ago i found that my chest hair will pop using the HHT and i only use it now to show off to my kids how sharp i can get a razor

  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    However, it is I think incumbent on anyone with even a passing familiarity with the concept of measure theory and the definitThe HHT numbering system is NOT comparable across individuals. It is NOT comparable across hair types. It is NOT comparable across steel types. There have been no properly controlled empirical studies done on the most important reason why you would grade a HHT: between individuals.

    I know that sounds harsh, and I apologise for being blunt.

    So jimbo, do you reckon you could get funding to develop a "standard hair" and "hanging hair applied pressure and resistance meter" ?
    And I would put you on a 1 for bluntness
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  6. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Boy these HHT threads have a life of there own. I could not agree more with Mr. Blunt aka Jimbo. Never saw the point to them yet miraculously manage to shave everyday with straights I am sure would not pass an HHT even if I knew how or even cared to do one.

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  7. #47
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    So jimbo, do you reckon you could get funding to develop a "standard hair" and "hanging hair applied pressure and resistance meter" ?
    And I would put you on a 1 for bluntness
    There was in fact a group of us started emailing each other back in 2007/8 I think it was. It was an interesting group of people actually: a materials scientist, me (mathematician/statistician), an engineer,.... Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke doesn't it?

    Nothing ever came of it unfortunately, but at the time I seem to recall the idea was to conduct experiments to determine which of a number of candidate materials would make the "best" standardised hairlike substance for use with the HHT.

    Personally, I'm not really sure it matters all that much. I can see the benefit of a "standard" hair, especially for education and training purposes, but we've managed all these years and I am sure will manage for many more without one so long as people appreciate that HHT results are not generally transferrable to others except in the most vague sense, and that they need to generate their own personal data through experience and repetition in order to use this test effectively.

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  8. #48
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    There was in fact a group of us started emailing each other back in 2007/8 I think it was. It was an interesting group of people actually: a materials scientist, me (mathematician/statistician), an engineer,.... Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke doesn't it?

    Nothing ever came of it unfortunately, but at the time I seem to recall the idea was to conduct experiments to determine which of a number of candidate materials would make the "best" standardised hairlike substance for use with the HHT.

    Personally, I'm not really sure it matters all that much. I can see the benefit of a "standard" hair, especially for education and training purposes, but we've managed all these years and I am sure will manage for many more without one so long as people appreciate that HHT results are not generally transferrable to others except in the most vague sense, and that they need to generate their own personal data through experience and repetition in order to use this test effectively.

    So along with the equipment, we will need schools to teach the correct methods for standard testing. Such as speed, relative angle, ambient temperature, blade and standard hair temperature and relative humidity. Or we could just shave test and decide from that
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  9. #49
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Nothing ever came of it unfortunately, but at the time I seem to recall the idea was to conduct experiments to determine which of a number of candidate materials would make the "best" standardised hairlike substance for use with the HHT.
    Me and Randy (his idea) used to talk about mono filament fishing line as a substitute. Nothing ever came of that. I once, not able at the time to get HHT, inquired of a Beauty Supply about a human hair wig, but the price was more than it was worth to me.

    So now when it is time to do HHT I just reach into the humidor and pull a hair out and go on about my business.
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  10. #50
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I have a stash of hair I keep in a rather disgusting tangle near the microscope. It's a mixture of my wife's hair, my sister in law's hair, and my nieces hair. For some reason the males in my family refuse to give up their hair, probably because they looked at me and wondered how I lost all mine in the first place!

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