• Cattleman02

    Basil Shales

    Thank you very much

    Cattleman02 Today, 11:19 PM Go to last post

    Sun 23rd Feb - Sat 29th Feb

    Schulze 450
    Shavemac D01 Silvertip Badger Brush
    Vitos Pre/Post Shave
    Creed Green Irish Tweed Shave Soap
    Thayers Rose Petal Witch

    lindyhop66 Today, 10:24 PM Go to last post

    Freddie might be no good

    I took a closer look at your pics. I’m pretty sure that razor is a “rattler” or “faux frameback” and what you think is

    DZEC Today, 09:16 PM Go to last post

    Randy Tuttle RIP

    I am so sorry to hear this. I have been MIA for a long time and upon return, Randy was the first person I wanted to look up on the forum. He taught me

    2dutch4u Today, 08:38 PM Go to last post

    Freddie might be no good

    Then hone it up and see how it shaves. I wouldn’t mind having it in my razor drawer.

    DZEC Today, 05:14 PM Go to last post

    Basil Shales

    Trademarks on based metal Tableware

    bouschie Today, 04:32 PM Go to last post

    Basil Shales

    Came across a basil shales SR. Are they good shavers? How is edge retention. Oh and where is a goid reference for looking up manufacture info so I don't

    Cattleman02 Today, 03:55 PM Go to last post

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