• Featured Shave of the Day

    by Published on 04-29-2024 08:35 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    ~Wostenholm & Sons, Washington Works~
    ~Lipshaw/Neil Miller Bridle~
    ~HarryWally 2-Band~
    ~MDC Agrumes~
    ~Clubman Lime Sec~
    by Published on 04-28-2024 08:53 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day


    This folding kenwa is one of my prized razors, and effortless Saturday morning shave , paired up with paa sangre de drago
    by Published on 04-26-2024 09:26 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Joserra Viriato / Edwin Jagger STF2/ Stiz ‘54/ Joserra Viriato AS

    by Published on 04-25-2024 08:58 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Stipichnach 64{ (As Per Goggle Translate I dont read Russian)
    Lipshaw Microtome{ W/ Neil Miller's Red English Bridle Finishing Panel
    Mistic Brushes{ Badger In Forked Horn
    Martin De Candre{ Rose
    Orange Fuzz{ Bay Rum Aftershave

    by Published on 04-24-2024 06:28 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    23 April 2024

    * Weber DLC + Stork Ex Brass
    * Super Iridium
    * Shavemac Americana XL Unique 2-Band
    * MacDuff's Crow's Nest Pass
    * Unrefined Shea Butter
    * Bergamot/Vetiver EO

    by Published on 04-23-2024 07:02 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Menthol Monday

    RAZOR: Edwin Jagger Resin & Wood
    BLADE: Gillette Nacet
    BRUSH: TRC Cornflower Blue Resin 28mm Synthetic AK7
    LATHER: Luna Cosmetics Mentolado Shaving Soap
    POST: Williams Aqua Velva Aftershave (Spain)
    by Published on 04-22-2024 07:46 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Thiers Issard Grelot
    Lipshaw Microtome W/ Neil Millers Prima Rindleder Finisher Panel
    Badlands Shaving Co Badger Fan
    St James Cedarwood & Clarysage Cream
    Pinaud Lime Sec