• News

    by Published on 04-30-2014 12:20 AM   
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    3. Meetings and Get-Togethers

    If you were not here you missed one of the best times ever. I can not think of a single person who did not have a blast at the recent Asheville meetup. If you have not seen the pictures jump over to the forum thread so you can see all the things that happened. This turned out better than the team had hoped for.
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    2. News

    It's time again for Movember.

    What is Movember?

    From Movember Worldwide - Home:

    Movember is the global men's health charity encouraging men to grow and women to support the Mo (moustache) for the 30 days of November. Through the power of the moustache, awareness and funds are raised for men’s health to combat prostate and testicular cancer.

    In the US, programs directed by the Movember Foundation are focused on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, and research to achieve our vision of an everlasting impact on the face of men's health.
    by Published on 05-03-2013 06:06 AM
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    Since the razor made by Joe Chandler and donated by Birnando is such a special donation I am going to have a contest for you to try and then possibly win this prize which is listed below. Oh! and this razor is shave ready.

    This contest is going be a lathering contest. This was done some time ago and had a lot of interest and contestants.

    The idea of this lathering contest is to come up with different ways to lather your face. You need to be very creative with the idea of making it humorous, amusing, interesting and entertaining. You can do this wherever you are brave enough to do so such as in a public place, at a park, in your home, just wherever you think would be a really cool place to lather your face.
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    Gentlemen, It's time again for Movember.

    What is Movember?
    From Movember Worldwide - Home:
    Movember is the global men's health charity engaging men to grow and women to support the Mo (moustache) for the 30 days of November. Through the power of the moustache, awareness and funds are raised for men’s health, specifically
    by Published on 08-20-2012 04:18 PM
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the prototype of the SRP Logo LE razor. It was made from a stencil custom razor maker, SRP member (PapaBull), Robert Williams did of the logo at the top of our page and is on the money. I should have it in hand early next week if not later today. It is a 6/8 with G-10 scales. As you can see the SRP logo is etched in the belly of the blade and Robert's trademark is on the tang mark side with the XII (year) etched on the reverse along with each razors individual # engraved by hand.
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    Several dedicated SRP members are involved with Movember.

    For those not familiar, Movember is a charity drive to raise money for and increase awareness of men's health issues.

    We at SRP wanted to give you a place to discuss Movember, share your donation page links, and share pictures of your mo' in progress.

    SRP Participants: bassguy, canuckblade, easyace, Glenn24, gomatty, GorillaSurfer, jdto, jordhawkins , kenny1775, Krisdavie, MrDavid, nzFuzzy, OmidFarahbakhsh, stevec, TheCrash, XxSHORTYxX

    Check out this thread to post links, pictures, or otherwise show your support: MOVEMBER!!!
    by Published on 09-16-2011 01:54 PM
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    2. News


    Sorry for the downtime yesterday. We had an emergency server move from one data center to another. As most of you know my business (ringfree.biz)(shameless plug) hosts SRP in our cabinets. Due to some contractual issues we've been doing an infrastructure migration over the past few weeks. And we thought we had a few more days to get SRP moved. Turns out we didn't.

    So we did a furious un-racking of the server and drove it to a new data center in downtown Asheville, NC. The great folks at ERC Broadband (Welcome to ERC Broadband) were kind enough to provision a space for us as quickly as possible and make the IP assignments so that we could all get back to talking about our favorite hobby (And wallet drainer).

    So that's the update. Welcome back

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