• Featured Shave of the Day 2011-07-22

    Friday morning:

    Prep: Hot Shower + Proraso pre/post
    Razor: Max Sprecher custom 15/16 ''The green beauty''
    Brush: Vie-Long Zurito
    Übber: KD Creation bayrum cream + Ogallala bayrum + glycerin
    ASB: Proraso pre/post
    AS: Ogallala bayrum
    EDT: Pinaud Clubman bayrum

    Result: That shave will stay in my heart and mind for very long time! The ''GB'' is a true work of art and perform like no other that I have or had(its a Maxtom...). Max you hare a MASTER RAZORSMITH!!! With my prefered Übber using KD Creation cream with Ogallala bayrum it was simply marvelous. The blade glide on my skin and cut a 4 days beard like butter. Cant wait to get an other shave with it.
    Merci Max tu est un vrai gentlemen!

    Great pics and gears Gents!!!


    bj64 and Mikael like this.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Sun July 17th - Sat July 23rd started by Maximilian View original post