FIRST EVER MORNING SHAVE.....and possibly last (if i could actually help it!) i must say i enjoy the night shave MUCH more than the morning but maybe cause im not at all a morning person but any way here goes~>
PREP: Hot Shower and Proraso Pre/Post
STROP: Tony Miller Old No. 2 (i am really in love with this thing!!!)
SOAP: MWF... for the first time! and it just EXPLODED with awesome lather in the G5
SCUTTLE: Georgetown G5
RAZOR: Geo. Wostenholm Pipe in custom Horn scales
POST: Tepid Water, Alum, Cold Water, Thayers Cucumber, Clubman.......and a cup of espresso and some Peter Gabriel on vinyl!
Not a horrible shave but not my best! Still having trouble with the part of the neck to the left and right of the adam's apple but getting there! Have a great week guys!!!!