Prep: Hot shower
Razor: Dovo 5/8" Ebony Stainless Round Point
Brush: Stephen's Woodworking SRD 24mm Silvertip #1
Strop: Straight Razor Designs 3" Black Latigo with webbed fabric
Soap: Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad
Shave: 1 pass WTG, 2 passes ATG
Post shave: Styptic pencil, styptic pencil and again styptic pencil, then cold water
A/S: Pinaud Clubman (burn!!!!!!!!)

Razor: Dovo 5/8" Ebony Stainless Round Point
Brush: Stephen's Woodworking SRD 24mm Silvertip #1
Strop: Straight Razor Designs 3" Black Latigo with webbed fabric
Soap: Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad
Shave: 1 pass WTG, 2 passes ATG
Post shave: Styptic pencil, styptic pencil and again styptic pencil, then cold water
A/S: Pinaud Clubman (burn!!!!!!!!)