• Friday August 21, 2020

    RAZOR: Double Duck Goldedge 6/8 (Mug), Colonial Silversmith (Dome)
    BLADE: Feather (Dome)
    PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
    BRUSH: JR Rosewood Silvertip Badger #378
    SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
    POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Aqua Velva (Spanish Version) and Pre de Provence Balm.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Sunday August 16 ~ Saturday August 22 started by petercp4e View original post