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04-21-2015, 08:31 PM #161
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Thanked: 237
04-21-2015, 08:40 PM #162
This will probably be short lived, relatively speaking. Due to the one child per family forced directive that has been in place for quite a few years now, my understanding is that in the not too distant future, each Chinese person will be responsible for six people. Their population, if it has not peaked already, will sharply decline after it does.
04-21-2015, 08:41 PM #163
As I said I got it from Wikipedia and it's pretty easy to find it there, but just added a link. You can round a bit that's not a problem, but your narrative is a bit off as you are describing a sharp and ongoing increase since the last 12 years, but that's not what I see.
I see a jump over 3-4 year period and then a plateau. That sharp increase corresponds with the recovery from the recession from the burst of the mortgage bubble, so it seems to me that it's a sudden manifestation of an artificially hidden effect accumulated over a decade or two.
Of course, theoretically, the government didn't have to take on all that debt and bail out the failed businesses and individuals, bit it did. There is no similar bubble on the horizon, so the projected plateau seems pretty reasonable to me. Certainly far more plausible than the alarmist doomsday rhetoric that we have to do something immediately.
I am not saying that there isn't a low-grade sustained problem to address, but that's precisely why it isn't being addressed. And given the level of political discourse I don't see it happen anytime soon either.
This is debt to GDP, if the GDP grows faster than the debt the ratio decreases.
It wasn't my analogy, it was yours. It's poor analogy but if you want to use a poor analogy to support your argument you don't get to cry foul at the moment when it doesn't fit it anymore. Not that it matters much.
If you cut the country in two based on red and blue states the red part will be bankrupt. I would also suggest that the 'two sides are so different' because people like you chose to have such divisive outlook.
04-21-2015, 10:02 PM #164
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Thanked: 237I have a divisive outlook because I use logic, reasoning, science, and facts to live my life. Liberals choose to ignore all of those things...
04-21-2015, 10:05 PM #165
04-21-2015, 10:18 PM #166
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Thanked: 13249Real numbers for real people
Couple A
Wife has a great job and what many call a Cadillac plan free from her work,,
In 2010 this couple checked on adding the husband to the policy since it was so good, the cost would have been $73 per month
In 2012 the husband left his job and became "Semi Retired" for the second time at 52 , the cost to add him to the insurance was $120
Since 2012 the exact same coverage has risen to $330 per month..
Tax wise this money CANNOT be deducted because it is through the wife's employer, if it was through an exchange and much less coverage it would be deductible..
Couple B
Self employed basically the same ages as Couple A they are the only people I know of that have actually received better coverage at slightly less cost through the ACA without being subsidized.. Trust me here it is very little difference but there are extended overages and the premium is slightly VERY slightly lower..
The deductible is either the same or very close..
My understanding is that 84% - 86% of the people that have signed up for the ACA are receiving subsidies through the Fed, you really have to chew on that a bit..
There are many back and forth arguments of why this might be a good thing and just as many as to why it is not sustainable chose what facts you want to believe..
04-21-2015, 10:50 PM #167
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Thanked: 237Logic and reasoning both were the foundation of my statement. In my short life on this planet, I have yet to meet a logical thinking liberal. Is there one out there? I don't think so, they probably would have had some grand idea by now. It's always the same, every single time, and unfortunately you are no exception. I mean I'm sure you are a great guy, but your logic just doesn't add up. There's nothing anyone can do or say to make a liberal see the light. They have to transition on their own, once they realize they've been living in a cloudy haze of misinformation and denial. I really enjoy these politically "hot" topics because I thoroughly enjoy all the information liberals try to present. It really cracks me up, on some level, to read about how great Obamacare is, how if the constitution just wasn't in the way so much good would be accomplished, how it's still Bush's fault for everything, how those darned republicans won't meet us halfway. Meanwhile our footing in the world is about to slip away for good because we, we the great citizens of america, have been too lazy to care enough about what our politicians have been sneakily getting away with for decades. When I say a civil war is coming, I don't mean the right and left, I mean the free people of America that are being more and more oppressed each and every day will take back our government. We will kick every last one out, and start over. It's going to suck, it's going to be miserable, but if it doesn't happen soon it won't even matter because there won't be anything left...
**** Drops the mic *****
I'm out its been real. Only time will tellLast edited by prodigy; 04-21-2015 at 10:53 PM.
04-22-2015, 12:15 AM #168
It would be good to know all relevant the numbers i.e.:
Cost of wife A's plan (paid by her company), in 2010, 2012 and 2014, we already know the cost of adding husband B to it is $73, $120 and $330 per month.
Size of wife A's company - large companies are able to negotiate lower cost of policies with the insurance companies.
Cost of couple B's plan (which is comparable to couple A's) for 2010, 2012 and 2014.
04-22-2015, 12:27 AM #169
I'm not particularly impressed by theatrics, so I'll simply address the flawed logic.
It is very possible that you simply haven't met any logical thinking liberal not because they do not exist but because you have met extremely small number of people in your short life on this planet.
I can even go one step further and prove you wrong. As far as I can tell from your posts you would consider people like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin etc. liberals, yet they all have been quite successful don't seem short on great ideas.
04-22-2015, 12:37 AM #170
One real life example.
I'm retired from a large city utility in 2009. No company paid insurance for last 15 years. I paid for Cadillac/Gold at $1450 a month for Wife & I in 2010 and $1675 in 2012. In 2012 Wife & I was dropped as I had to move to Medicare.Last edited by jmercer; 04-22-2015 at 12:40 AM. Reason: my spelling is terrible
Shave the Lather...