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Thread: President of the US of A

  1. #801
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmercer View Post
    Thanks, that was an interesting read. Hah! ha!! Love it.
    I couldn't find that article...a little help please ?
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  2. #802
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    HERE is one article.

    If you google "bernie sanders asked to leave commune" you will find many variations on the same theme all based on information from a forthcoming book. It's not as if he was a member of the commune not pulling his weight. He came to get information about natural childbirth and got into political discussions with some of the commune members and others resented that the people who were drawn to his discussions were spending their time speaking with Sanders rather than working. ONE commune member, named Craig, was described the story because he “resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day.” Given that visitors only were allowed to stay for three days, and Sanders was asked to leave after three days, this is a whole lot of a non-story.
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  4. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    You still deluding yourself thinking Hilary will be indicted or are you just wishing the big wish?

    I tell you what if Hilary is indicted before inauguration I'll send you a shave ready razor if she isn't you send me one.

    How about that?
    While, I certainly appreciate the offer and would love to have one of your fine razors, I didn't say that I thought Hillary would be indicted. I was implying that this is one of the primary reasons Bernie is staying in the race until the end. He views this as a possible, albeit unlikely, path to his own nomination.

    I have no delusions about the this Attorney General letting her escape justice regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The FBI is slow walking this investigation because the Director knows he'll have to resign, to maintain any personal integrity whatsoever, if he recommends indictment and the Attorney General declines to impanel a grand jury and/or indict her -- which she will. So his job is at stake. Also, there's no way they'll appoint a special council so that the determination can be made fairly. So, no, I don't believe she'll be indicted. I can almost guarantee that she will not.

    You'll notice that in regard to accusations against the Clintons (of which there are so very many), the response is never, "We are innocent." The response is always, "There's no evidence." The Clintons make The Teflon Don look like a fifth grade bully who takes other kids' lunch money.
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  5. #804
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, you seem to have this all figured out.

    Bernie thinks she will be indicted, the Govt is totally corrupt with regard to the Clintons and there is overwhelming evidence the Clintons are a bunch of crooks.

    Sounds like you read the breitbart report on a regular basis.

    Don't take this personally but this stuff is just a symptom of what is bringing this country down.

    As long as it continues....well this country's troubles just keep getting deeper and deeper.
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  6. #805
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    Yes. I do. It doesn't require Breitbart to figure this out. One just has to read the law and then ask anyone with security clearance what they think would happen to them if they put any information related to their work on their personal server.
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  7. #806
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    Har! I'd still be sitting in a red line brig (Portsmouth). SF
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    Shave the Lather...

  8. #807
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    If ya truly believe the Clinton's have never been guilty of anything well............... wow,really ??? And I would say that is a symptom of what's wrong in this country.
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  9. #808
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    If ya truly believe the Clinton's have never been guilty of anything well............... wow,really ??? And I would say that is a symptom of what's wrong in this country.
    You guys seem to have problems distinguishing guilt and allegations. Guilt is decided in a court of law not the people's court. Allegations, well anyone can allege anything they want and it means squat.

    If yer talking guilt start by bringing on the evidence.
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  10. #809
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    Fair enough....but they sure have an awful lot of allegations including character allegations written in books by people who worked close with them over the decades and yet no one is suspicious ? Guess your right , Bill and Hillary are pure as snow. Trumps got a lot of allegations too but surely he must be guilty cause he's Trump. Poor Bill and Hillary,so misjudged.
    Last edited by Nightblade; 05-21-2016 at 06:41 AM.
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  11. #810
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I think the difference between the Clintons and Trump is that they have been in politics for the last 40 years. This means 40 years of attacks in the public domain, because that's how politics is played.
    Donald Trump has spent about that much time in his business ventures and has led a very public lifestyle. But he has most definitely not been subject neither to the same level of scrutiny nor to the highly paid attacks that they have been. The same things that would've and have ended plenty of political careers have been assets in his entertainment business.

    Now he has entered the political domain and he will be scrutinized as well, but to me it makes sense to make proper comparisons.

    Of course, cognitive dissonance is an important part of human nature, and most people have already decided how they are going to vote, so now it's just a matter of coming up with a justification in order that they can feel the decision is much more rational than emotional.

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