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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    I feel like I'm butting in on a private conversation between hoglahoo and DSailing.

    The main fallacy about increased drilling is that it will solve our energy problems. If anything, it will only make them worse.

    People won't conserve and they won't develop alternatives. If we open new reserves, demand will rise to meet the supply. It's the one place I can think of where demand is controlled by supply to any extent. People will buy SUVs again; China will get thirstier.

    Ever stop to think that high oil costs are actually slowing China's progress toward becoming an economic juggernaut?

    Then, when this supply dries up, what next? Find another? Go whaling again? Render household pets for their body fat?

    No. We're not going that way again. It's destroying the environment and mortgaging our future.

    Sorry about that, folks. It's time to suck it up and make the hard decision. It's not what's easy or comfortable. It's what's right and best for our children's future.

    Or have we totally lost the ability to think of anything but our own immediate gratification?


    Sorry. I didn't mean to highjack this post.

  2. #42
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    Think Lee has a point. We do need oil, like it or not, maybe we should find alternatives to gasoline, but oil is used in more than just gas.Without oil there would be no plastic, with no plastic there would be no insulin pumps, no tubing to carry the insulin from the pump to the body, no syringes for needles (when was the last time you saw a glass syringe?) Yes,we need to find alternate fuels, but we will still be oil Dependant even then.

  3. #43
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSailing View Post
    If oil is more important to you than life, then by all means, drill there. I will fight against it, but I know that it is a losing battle. Once that oil is gone, where do you plan to strip the resources of next? What other lands do you plan to put to waste?
    Drilling here now buys us more time and buys it cheaply to continue searching and perfecting safer, cleaner, and more efficient energy production. Oil *helps* us stay out of jail and at the same time it helps the jail stay operational. It's just a tool like anything else. We have more so let's use it.

    By the way I did get a little confused about "the" and "a" civilization thing because it seemed like they were being used interchangeably. I don't see what difference it makes. It's all the product of man figuring out what he wants and how he's going to get it. You can't just say people only make bad decisions because of bad teachers without explaining how the teachers were bad. Someone at some point in time chose hate / destruction as an act of their own free will without being taught to do so

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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What's wrong with drilling here now to sustain the health of the economy while people figure out how to solve the problem? Do you think people will stop trying to find alternate energy sources if we start drilling here?
    Whats wrong is that the real goal of the ring leaders of the "oil and industry is evil" crowd is to bring America to its knees, And if they succeed, do you think they will preserve the earth in a pristine fashion? Hell no!! They will exploit the earth for everything they can grab!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Whats wrong is that the real goal of the ring leaders of the "oil and industry is evil" crowd is to bring America to its knees, And if they succeed, do you think they will preserve the earth in a pristine fashion? Hell no!! They will exploit the earth for everything they can grab!
    Oh darn. You caught me. I plan to demolish civilization and then take over the world so that I can exploit the earth and it's life just like before.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSailing View Post
    Oh darn. You caught me. I plan to demolish civilization and then take over the world so that I can exploit the earth and it's life just like before.
    Don't be silly! there are plenty of good intentioned environmentalists out there, but I believe the final result of going down the environmental path with the blind faith that many have, will only bring America down to the level of the third world, and if that happens, who then would be the super power and would they care in the least about environmental concerns, or would they be more concerned about holding on to their new found power with the possible result of trampling over anyone and anything that gets in their way!

    Their is always a larger picture that we need to start paying attention to!

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSailing View Post
    Sorry. I didn't mean to highjack this post.
    No worries, mate. Sometimes, it seems like stepping in the middle of a duel.


  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Don't be silly! there are plenty of good intentioned environmentalists out there, but I believe the final result of going down the environmental path with the blind faith that many have, will only bring America down to the level of the third world, and if that happens, who then would be the super power and would they care in the least about environmental concerns, or would they be more concerned about holding on to their new found power with the possible result of trampling over anyone and anything that gets in their way!
    Whereas the non-environmental controlling interests currently in power have begun to bring American down to the level of the third world, compromised our energy future through complete lack of planning and foresight, gotten us into ruinous foreign wars to support our energy habit, practically destroyed the American middle-class, gotten us into hock up to our eyeballs, and set us at odds with the rest of the world.

    At least with the "good-intentioned environmentalists," we'll be able to breathe and the ocean will stay out of downtown Boston.


  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post

    At least with the "good-intentioned environmentalists," we'll be able to breathe and the ocean will stay out of downtown Boston.

    Hey Jim, I'm thinking that you kind of missed my point!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Hey Jim, I'm thinking that you kind of missed my point!
    Been known to happen. Wha'd I miss?


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